The 5th lesson is finally here! I will show you how to get started trading the Forex
100% risk free. After this lesson you will start to experiment with Forex trading.
You will not be a master trader the first day. It is important that you persist in your
efforts. You have to keep trying until you succeed. There are a few things that I
want to explain that you should know before attempting to set up your demo
I want to explain a little more about the currency pairs. Currencies are always
traded in pairs in the Forex. The pairs have a unique notation that expresses what
currencies are being traded. The symbol for a currency pair will always be in the
form ABC/DEF. ABC/DEF is not a real currency pair, it is an example of a symbol
for currency pairs. In this example ABC is the symbol for one countries currency
and DEF is the symbol for another countries currency.
Here are some of the common symbols used in the Forex:
USD - The US Dollar
EUR - The currency of the European Union "EURO"
GBP - The British Pound
JPN – The Japanese Yen
CHF - The Swiss Franc
AUD – The Australian Dollar
CAD - The Canadian Dollar
There are symbols for other currencies as well, but these are the most commonly
traded ones. A currency can never be traded by itself. So you can not ever trade a
EUR by itself. You always need to compare one currency with another currency to
make a trade possible. Some of the common pairs are the EUR/USD, GBP/USD,
EUR/AUD, USD/CAD, etc...
The currency pair looks like a fraction. The numerator (top of the fraction) is called
the base currency. The denominator (bottom of the fraction) is called the counter
currency. When you place an order to buy the EUR/USD, you are actually buying
the EUR and selling the USD. If you were to sell the pair, you would be selling the
EUR and buying the USD. So if you buy or sell a currency PAIR, you are
buying/selling the base currency. You are always doing the opposite of what you
did with to base currency with the counter currency.
If this seems confusing then you're in luck. You can always get by with just
thinking of the entire pair as one item. Then you are just buying or selling that one
item. Thinking like this will still enable you to place trades. You only need to be
aware of the base/counter concept for fundamental analysis issues. S o why is it important to know about the base/counter currency now?
The base/counter currency concept illustrates what is actually taking place in a Forex
transaction. I mentioned before that short-selling was restricted in the stock
market. Short-selling is where you sell a stock/currency/option/commodity first
and then try to buy it back at a lower price later. But in the Forex, you are always
buying one currency (base) and selling another (counter). If you sell the pair you
are simply flipping which one you buy and which one you sell. The transaction is
essentially the same.
This allows you to short-sell with no restrictions!
You want to be able to short-sell with no restrictions so you can make money
when the market drops as well as when it rises. The problem with traditional stock
market trading is that the market has to go up for you to make money. With Forex
trading you can make money in all directions.
Another important concept for Forex trading is the leverage. Leverage is when
you can use a little money to control a lot of money. The Forex market is probably
the highest leverage market in the world. There are different types of leverage
available in Forex trading. The highest leverage possible is 200:1. This means
that if you put up $1 margin, the trading provider will allow you to trade with $200.
So if the price of the currency pair goes up 1%, you make 200*1%=200%!
The margin for Forex trading is a good faith promise to the trading provider. Other
money in your trading account also insures your transaction. You only need to
know that the margin is the amount of money you need to place a trade.
Another important piece of lingo is the term "pips". Since we have the EUR/USD,
EUR/AUD, etc..., we need a way to talk about the number or price. When you see
a Forex currency pair price quote, the last digit of the price is commonly referred
to as a pip. So if you see a price quote of 1.6118 and then a price quote one
minute later of 1.6119, the price rose 1 pip. Similarly, if we see a price quote of
187.50 and then another one 5 minutes later of 187.58, the price rose 8 pips. The
pip is always the last decimal place of the currency price quote.
These lessons literally could go on for several years and you still would not know
everything. At this point, you are ready to start demo trading. Once you begin to
place demo trades, you will learn a lot about how Forex transactions are placed.
This is an important step for you to be able to learn how to become a trader.
Important Note: Just fooling around in a demo account can be a great learning
experience. You will not learn how to become a trader this way. You need to have
a trading strategy, like the ones at trend strategy store.
Here's how to get started with your own demo account.
Go to
There you can sign up for a free mini-demo account. A mini account is just like a
real demo account, except the trade sizes are smaller. In a real account the smallest trade size is $100,000; in a mini account the smallest trade size is
$10,000 (this can be done with a $50 margin, the power of leverage!).
There are several other places online to sign up for a free demo account. I use
fxcm, because they have the best overall reputation online. Fxcm has built itself to
the premier Forex trading platform. I don't get paid anything to endorse them, but
they are currently the best.
Once you sign up for your mini-demo account, you will need to try out one of the
trial charting packages. Any of these will do because they all have the SMA. You
can then set up your demo account and use the SMA crossover method from
lesson #3. This is a good way to get used to how orders are placed. Once you
have a real trading system, you will already know how to place orders properly.
Everyone makes mistakes placing orders. You need to experiment in a demo
account to make your mistakes without losing money.
At this point you have to make a decision about how fast you would like to learn
how to become a trader. The truth is that the longer you wait to get in on this
market, the more potential money you are missing out on. You need to decide
what time frame is right for you to begin trading.
You need to decide if:
1. You want to place real trades within the next 3 months (or sooner, depending
on your desire)
2. You want to build your knowledge for several months before placing real
The choice is entirely yours. No-one else can make that decision for you. You
need to make a plan and stick to it. It is important not to put off your success.
Success requires action.
If you want to place real trades within the next 3 months, you should check out
4xtrend. There are some great resources at extremely affordable prices that can
get you trading in a very short amount of time.
At this point, I would like to congratulate you on completing the Insider Secrets of
Online Currency Trading course! You have already showed a level of
perseverance that most people lack.
I would also like your input on any aspect of Insider Secrets of Online Currency
Trading. I am interested in any parts you found helpful, insightful, confusing,
etc... Any feedback about this course would be extremely helpful for all of the
readers. This is largely a collective effort; by contributing you benefit yourself and
others. Simply post your questions to comments
Here is a recap of what you should be doing right now to pursue your Forex trading goals:
1. Setup a free demo account by going to:
2. Decide your time frame on when you want to enter the market. If you want to
get there as quick as your heart's desire, go to If you want to
take your time, sign up for the Forex system course.
3. Be persistent and never give up!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fundamental Analysis Intro
You have now reached the 4th lesson in this free Forex course. This lesson will
briefly introduce you to fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is the most
difficult aspect of Forex interpretation. It requires an extended period of learning
fundamental concepts and their impact on the Forex market.
T o learn a fundamental style of trading completely would require years of
experience. So how can you take advantage of fundamental concepts without
having those years of experience? The Forexezine provides the answer. You
will receive articles that explain different fundamental market concepts - one
concept at a time.
Over time you will have an increasing arsenal of fundamental concepts to add to
your technical trading skills. Tips on how to compare fundamental results with
technical signals will be given in the "Forex Fundamentals" issues of the
So what does fundamental analysis do? Fundamental analysis uses "economic
indicators" and other news related information to determine an impact on Forex
prices. These "economic indicators” are published at regular intervals and many
of the International Banks use this data to forecast Forex trends. The economic
indicators measure how well an economy of a country is doing. This data can
then be used to compare the economy of one country with another. The status of
an economy will influence its exchange rate, so fundamental analysis provides us
with ways to measure potential Forex trends.
When this data is made available to the public there is a reaction from investors
and speculators. Information in the form of news and economic indicators is
vaguer than that of technical indicators. There is a lot of gray area in this type of
Analysis. The market will ultimately react to how people think the economic data
compares to the current market situation.
Economic indicators usually reveal information that "Should cause a currency to
go up in price" or "May cause a currency to go down". The words 'should' & 'may'
in the quotes above reveal the ambiguity of the fundamental data.
Here is an example of what analyzing fundamental data is like. Let's suppose
there are six economic indicators (there are a lot more). Let's call our six
indicators A, B, C, D, E, & F. Now we wait for the data from our indicators to be
published in a financial magazine or at an online source. We manage to get the
readings for our economic data for the EURO:
Indicator A: is in a range where the Euro may go up
Indicator B: is in a range where the Euro should go up
Indicator C: is in a range where the Euro could go down
Indicator D: is in a range where the Euro usually goes down
Indicator E: is in a range where the Euro could go up
Indicator F: is in a range where the Euro may go down
By looking at the above indicators, you don't know what the Euro is going to do.
Furthermore, currencies are always traded in pairs (explained in more detail in
lesson #5). You would have to get the fundamental data for another currency pair and compare it with the EURO to make a trading decision. I think you can
appreciate that this is no simple task.
I do not want to discourage you away from fundamental data. The best way to
learn is one piece at a time. Eventually you will build a puzzle from all of the
fundamental and technical data and make more informed trading decisions.
At this point I am going to list some of the most commonly used fundamental
indicators (sometimes referred to as economic indicators).
1. The Gross National Product (GNP). This number represents the total financial
position of an entire country. This is probably the most referred to economic
indicator (although by itself it does not provide enough info to make decisions).
2. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Basically this is the GNP for the United
States. This measure is still referenced, but is almost completely phased out of
use. The term GNP has been used to represent GDP as well.
3. Consumer Price Index (CPI). Measures retail prices in a country.
4. Producer Price Index (PPI). Similar to the CPI, but for wholesale prices.
5. GNP & GDP Deflator. Readjusts the GNP & GDP for inflation.
6. Industrial Production (does not have an acronym).
7. Capacity Utilization
8. Unemployment rates also have an impact on foreign currency exchange rates.
9. Personal Income has an impact on foreign currency exchange rates.
10. Consumer Spending Indicators also influence Forex prices.
These are just a handful of economic indicators used in fundamental analysis.
Throughout the course of the Forexezine you will be able to interpret these
If you do not like the concept of fundamental analysis, you can certainly skip it
altogether. There are plenty of purely technical systems out there for you to trade
with (like at 4xtrend). A key concept to technical analysis is that all of the
fundamental data is ultimately revealed in the price anyway. And if you have a
system that must be triggered when the price goes up or down, then you have a
great tool.
The fundamental analysis issues of the Forexezine are purely for those people
who are interested in them. I will tailor the frequency of topics to the reader’s
I always encourage you to drop me a line with any questions, suggestions for
new articles, articles you have written, or just ideas related to the Forex. Please wait until after the next lesson to ask any questions about the Insider Secrets of
Online Currency Trading course. I still have some more concepts to add to get you
started trading in your own free demo account.
There are a few more things that will help you get stated demo trading in lesson
#5. You won't want to miss the next lesson.
briefly introduce you to fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is the most
difficult aspect of Forex interpretation. It requires an extended period of learning
fundamental concepts and their impact on the Forex market.
T o learn a fundamental style of trading completely would require years of
experience. So how can you take advantage of fundamental concepts without
having those years of experience? The Forexezine provides the answer. You
will receive articles that explain different fundamental market concepts - one
concept at a time.
Over time you will have an increasing arsenal of fundamental concepts to add to
your technical trading skills. Tips on how to compare fundamental results with
technical signals will be given in the "Forex Fundamentals" issues of the
So what does fundamental analysis do? Fundamental analysis uses "economic
indicators" and other news related information to determine an impact on Forex
prices. These "economic indicators” are published at regular intervals and many
of the International Banks use this data to forecast Forex trends. The economic
indicators measure how well an economy of a country is doing. This data can
then be used to compare the economy of one country with another. The status of
an economy will influence its exchange rate, so fundamental analysis provides us
with ways to measure potential Forex trends.
When this data is made available to the public there is a reaction from investors
and speculators. Information in the form of news and economic indicators is
vaguer than that of technical indicators. There is a lot of gray area in this type of
Analysis. The market will ultimately react to how people think the economic data
compares to the current market situation.
Economic indicators usually reveal information that "Should cause a currency to
go up in price" or "May cause a currency to go down". The words 'should' & 'may'
in the quotes above reveal the ambiguity of the fundamental data.
Here is an example of what analyzing fundamental data is like. Let's suppose
there are six economic indicators (there are a lot more). Let's call our six
indicators A, B, C, D, E, & F. Now we wait for the data from our indicators to be
published in a financial magazine or at an online source. We manage to get the
readings for our economic data for the EURO:
Indicator A: is in a range where the Euro may go up
Indicator B: is in a range where the Euro should go up
Indicator C: is in a range where the Euro could go down
Indicator D: is in a range where the Euro usually goes down
Indicator E: is in a range where the Euro could go up
Indicator F: is in a range where the Euro may go down
By looking at the above indicators, you don't know what the Euro is going to do.
Furthermore, currencies are always traded in pairs (explained in more detail in
lesson #5). You would have to get the fundamental data for another currency pair and compare it with the EURO to make a trading decision. I think you can
appreciate that this is no simple task.
I do not want to discourage you away from fundamental data. The best way to
learn is one piece at a time. Eventually you will build a puzzle from all of the
fundamental and technical data and make more informed trading decisions.
At this point I am going to list some of the most commonly used fundamental
indicators (sometimes referred to as economic indicators).
1. The Gross National Product (GNP). This number represents the total financial
position of an entire country. This is probably the most referred to economic
indicator (although by itself it does not provide enough info to make decisions).
2. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Basically this is the GNP for the United
States. This measure is still referenced, but is almost completely phased out of
use. The term GNP has been used to represent GDP as well.
3. Consumer Price Index (CPI). Measures retail prices in a country.
4. Producer Price Index (PPI). Similar to the CPI, but for wholesale prices.
5. GNP & GDP Deflator. Readjusts the GNP & GDP for inflation.
6. Industrial Production (does not have an acronym).
7. Capacity Utilization
8. Unemployment rates also have an impact on foreign currency exchange rates.
9. Personal Income has an impact on foreign currency exchange rates.
10. Consumer Spending Indicators also influence Forex prices.
These are just a handful of economic indicators used in fundamental analysis.
Throughout the course of the Forexezine you will be able to interpret these
If you do not like the concept of fundamental analysis, you can certainly skip it
altogether. There are plenty of purely technical systems out there for you to trade
with (like at 4xtrend). A key concept to technical analysis is that all of the
fundamental data is ultimately revealed in the price anyway. And if you have a
system that must be triggered when the price goes up or down, then you have a
great tool.
The fundamental analysis issues of the Forexezine are purely for those people
who are interested in them. I will tailor the frequency of topics to the reader’s
I always encourage you to drop me a line with any questions, suggestions for
new articles, articles you have written, or just ideas related to the Forex. Please wait until after the next lesson to ask any questions about the Insider Secrets of
Online Currency Trading course. I still have some more concepts to add to get you
started trading in your own free demo account.
There are a few more things that will help you get stated demo trading in lesson
#5. You won't want to miss the next lesson.
Technical Analysis Intro
Technical Analysis Intro
This lesson will focus on Technical Analysis. This field of knowledge is probably
the largest in the Forex trading world. This lesson will explain what Technical
Analysis is and what it does. I will also give you a basic technical trading
There are two main types of analyzing the Forex market. The first type is
technical analysis. Technical analysis is a way of using historical price data in
different ways to predict the future price of a currency pair. Technical analysis
relies on price charts and various technical indicators to make predictions. The
main assumption of Technical Analysis is that the historical price data reveals
patterns that repeat themselves over time.
Fundamental analysis is also a popular way of analyzing the Forex market.
Fundamental analysis examines different facts about the economy to predict
price movements. Lesson #4 will concentrate on fundamental analysis
I am explaining technical analysis first because it is the easiest and most precise
way of trading the Forex market. "The numbers don't lie" is a phrase that applies
more to technical analysis than to the fundamental approach. Technical analysis
can be learned much faster than fundamental analysis and requires less
I mentioned above that technical analysis is based on technical indicators. These
indicators make different mathematical calculations and display the results on a
price chart. The skilled Forex trader interprets these indicators and makes
trading decisions. So how do you become a skilled Forex trader, friend? Read
on to find out.
The most basic technical indicator is one that you can draw with your own hand.
I will simply explain this indicator, but you will not use it. This basic indicator was
used early in the stock market, and is still used today. This indicator is known as
a "trend line". To draw a "trend line" you simply:
1. Print out an historical price chart for a given time interval of a currency pair.
2. Draw a line connecting two or more parts of a graph that have higher lows, or
lower highs. Poof! Now you have a trend line. This trend line represents the basic price
direction of the currency pair. When the price of the currency pair breaks through
the trend line in the direction opposite of the trend, you would expect a reversal.
By reversal I mean this:
1. If the prior trend was upward and the price broke through the trend line moving
down, this would indicate a new downward trend using the trend line method.
2. If the prior trend was downward and the price broke through the trend line
moving up, this would indicate a new upward trend using the trend line method.
Trend lines can act as either floors or ceilings for the price data. When these lines
are penetrated, the price usually moves completely to the other side of the trend
Suppose you are monitoring the EUR/USD (a popular currency pair). You draw a
trend line connecting 3 points where higher lows are reached than previously on
the chart. After you draw the line, you notice that all of the price data on the chart
so far falls below the trend line you have drawn. The trend line is acting like a
"floor". The floor appears to be a boundary that the price will not cross. So now
you wait until the price crosses the boundary. A few periods later you notice that
the trend line has been broken when the EUR/USD fell below it. So now you
would expect the price to go even lower because the "trend line" method
suggests that an old floor will act as a new ceiling. So now you can expect all of
the prices to be below the trend line once it has been broken.
Once the trend line is broken, the prices should stay below the trend line. This
method is not very scientific. A lot of the method depends on how you draw your
trend line. I have also given you a simplistic version of the trend line method.
There is a little more to it.
Because the trend line method is not very scientific (or accurate) better methods
have been developed. Some changes were made to the trend line philosophy
and many people called for a more precise method. There are actually many
more precise methods available today. The next method was not a practical
candidate to replace trend lines until the computers reached the sophistication of
the mid 1990's.
The Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a theoretical extension of the trend line
concept. The Simple Moving Average is plotted on a graph by the charting
program for the Forex market data. The SMA takes the average of the close
price of a given number of the last few periods. Any number of periods can be
selected. You can have an SMA5 or an SMA20. An SMA5 will take an average
of the previous 5 close prices on the chart and will plot it on the chart alongside
the other price data. Each bar will use the previous 5 bars worth of data to
calculate a point and plot it on the graph.
If the SMA is generated using a large number of periods (like an SMA50 or
SMA75), you could interpret it similarly to the trend line. But if you select "faster"
SMA's (like an SMA5 or SMA20), you need to use a different strategy.
I am about to give you a strategy using the SMA. In lesson #5, I will tell you how to set up a free demo account and begin using this strategy for practice trades.
This strategy is a very basic one. It does not have a high degree of accuracy, but
it is very easy to do and it is fun. It is a good technique to begin trading with. I
want you to keep in mind that there are better strategies out there.
The SMA crossover method. After you have set up your free demo account
(lesson #5), you need to open the charting software. The SMA is one of the most
commonly used indicators and can be found in almost every charting package out
there. When you plot the SMA, you will be able to select a line color to plot it.
Make sure to use a different color than the actual prices on the chart.
Step 1: Plot an EMA5 using blue (or any color you like)
Step 2: Plot an EMA20 using red (or any color that is different than step 1's color)
You now have 2 SMA's plotted on the chart. You also have two signals.
Buy signal: When the SMA5 crosses the SMA20 moving up ward.
Sell signal: When the SMA5 crosses the SMA20 moving down ward.
The beauty of this method is that the price of the currency pair can not go up
significantly without triggering the buy signal. In other words - if the currency pair
begins to trend up, then the buy signal must be triggered. The opposite is also
true - if the currency pair begins to trend down, then the sell signal must be
triggered. The only time where this system fails is when there are false alarms.
Sometimes the currency will act like it is going to trend up and then it will trend
back down.
Here is a way to see how the SMA's predict price movements. You should open
up some charts and put on the SMA5 and SMA20 overlays. You can then look at
the times where the price fell/rose significantly. What did the SMA look like near
the beginning of the price movement? What did it look like after? By viewing
how the SMA reacted in the past you will get an intuitive feeling for how it will act
in the future after an SMA crossover.
The SMA crossover method will work best in longer time frames. If you attempt
to use it for tick-by-tick day trading, it will probably only produce losses. This
method works better for trades that last weeks, or months. I have only shown
you this method so you can trade it for fun. I strictly want to caution you not to
trade any real money using this system ever, unless you add tips from the
Forexezine to it and perfect it for yourself.
Insider Secrets of Online Currency Trading will provide you with other
techniques in the future. This is an easy one to get started with. I have also
personally developed 2 trading strategies that utilize more powerful techniques.
In the next lesson I will let you know what fundamental Technical Analysis is and some of
the basic measures it considers. The 5th lesson gives you what you need to
understand and open a demo account.
This lesson will focus on Technical Analysis. This field of knowledge is probably
the largest in the Forex trading world. This lesson will explain what Technical
Analysis is and what it does. I will also give you a basic technical trading
There are two main types of analyzing the Forex market. The first type is
technical analysis. Technical analysis is a way of using historical price data in
different ways to predict the future price of a currency pair. Technical analysis
relies on price charts and various technical indicators to make predictions. The
main assumption of Technical Analysis is that the historical price data reveals
patterns that repeat themselves over time.
Fundamental analysis is also a popular way of analyzing the Forex market.
Fundamental analysis examines different facts about the economy to predict
price movements. Lesson #4 will concentrate on fundamental analysis
I am explaining technical analysis first because it is the easiest and most precise
way of trading the Forex market. "The numbers don't lie" is a phrase that applies
more to technical analysis than to the fundamental approach. Technical analysis
can be learned much faster than fundamental analysis and requires less
I mentioned above that technical analysis is based on technical indicators. These
indicators make different mathematical calculations and display the results on a
price chart. The skilled Forex trader interprets these indicators and makes
trading decisions. So how do you become a skilled Forex trader, friend? Read
on to find out.
The most basic technical indicator is one that you can draw with your own hand.
I will simply explain this indicator, but you will not use it. This basic indicator was
used early in the stock market, and is still used today. This indicator is known as
a "trend line". To draw a "trend line" you simply:
1. Print out an historical price chart for a given time interval of a currency pair.
2. Draw a line connecting two or more parts of a graph that have higher lows, or
lower highs. Poof! Now you have a trend line. This trend line represents the basic price
direction of the currency pair. When the price of the currency pair breaks through
the trend line in the direction opposite of the trend, you would expect a reversal.
By reversal I mean this:
1. If the prior trend was upward and the price broke through the trend line moving
down, this would indicate a new downward trend using the trend line method.
2. If the prior trend was downward and the price broke through the trend line
moving up, this would indicate a new upward trend using the trend line method.
Trend lines can act as either floors or ceilings for the price data. When these lines
are penetrated, the price usually moves completely to the other side of the trend
Suppose you are monitoring the EUR/USD (a popular currency pair). You draw a
trend line connecting 3 points where higher lows are reached than previously on
the chart. After you draw the line, you notice that all of the price data on the chart
so far falls below the trend line you have drawn. The trend line is acting like a
"floor". The floor appears to be a boundary that the price will not cross. So now
you wait until the price crosses the boundary. A few periods later you notice that
the trend line has been broken when the EUR/USD fell below it. So now you
would expect the price to go even lower because the "trend line" method
suggests that an old floor will act as a new ceiling. So now you can expect all of
the prices to be below the trend line once it has been broken.
Once the trend line is broken, the prices should stay below the trend line. This
method is not very scientific. A lot of the method depends on how you draw your
trend line. I have also given you a simplistic version of the trend line method.
There is a little more to it.
Because the trend line method is not very scientific (or accurate) better methods
have been developed. Some changes were made to the trend line philosophy
and many people called for a more precise method. There are actually many
more precise methods available today. The next method was not a practical
candidate to replace trend lines until the computers reached the sophistication of
the mid 1990's.
The Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a theoretical extension of the trend line
concept. The Simple Moving Average is plotted on a graph by the charting
program for the Forex market data. The SMA takes the average of the close
price of a given number of the last few periods. Any number of periods can be
selected. You can have an SMA5 or an SMA20. An SMA5 will take an average
of the previous 5 close prices on the chart and will plot it on the chart alongside
the other price data. Each bar will use the previous 5 bars worth of data to
calculate a point and plot it on the graph.
If the SMA is generated using a large number of periods (like an SMA50 or
SMA75), you could interpret it similarly to the trend line. But if you select "faster"
SMA's (like an SMA5 or SMA20), you need to use a different strategy.
I am about to give you a strategy using the SMA. In lesson #5, I will tell you how to set up a free demo account and begin using this strategy for practice trades.
This strategy is a very basic one. It does not have a high degree of accuracy, but
it is very easy to do and it is fun. It is a good technique to begin trading with. I
want you to keep in mind that there are better strategies out there.
The SMA crossover method. After you have set up your free demo account
(lesson #5), you need to open the charting software. The SMA is one of the most
commonly used indicators and can be found in almost every charting package out
there. When you plot the SMA, you will be able to select a line color to plot it.
Make sure to use a different color than the actual prices on the chart.
Step 1: Plot an EMA5 using blue (or any color you like)
Step 2: Plot an EMA20 using red (or any color that is different than step 1's color)
You now have 2 SMA's plotted on the chart. You also have two signals.
Buy signal: When the SMA5 crosses the SMA20 moving up ward.
Sell signal: When the SMA5 crosses the SMA20 moving down ward.
The beauty of this method is that the price of the currency pair can not go up
significantly without triggering the buy signal. In other words - if the currency pair
begins to trend up, then the buy signal must be triggered. The opposite is also
true - if the currency pair begins to trend down, then the sell signal must be
triggered. The only time where this system fails is when there are false alarms.
Sometimes the currency will act like it is going to trend up and then it will trend
back down.
Here is a way to see how the SMA's predict price movements. You should open
up some charts and put on the SMA5 and SMA20 overlays. You can then look at
the times where the price fell/rose significantly. What did the SMA look like near
the beginning of the price movement? What did it look like after? By viewing
how the SMA reacted in the past you will get an intuitive feeling for how it will act
in the future after an SMA crossover.
The SMA crossover method will work best in longer time frames. If you attempt
to use it for tick-by-tick day trading, it will probably only produce losses. This
method works better for trades that last weeks, or months. I have only shown
you this method so you can trade it for fun. I strictly want to caution you not to
trade any real money using this system ever, unless you add tips from the
Forexezine to it and perfect it for yourself.
Insider Secrets of Online Currency Trading will provide you with other
techniques in the future. This is an easy one to get started with. I have also
personally developed 2 trading strategies that utilize more powerful techniques.
In the next lesson I will let you know what fundamental Technical Analysis is and some of
the basic measures it considers. The 5th lesson gives you what you need to
understand and open a demo account.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
FAP Turbo - Forex Auto Pilot Turbo free download
• Short Term Scalping Strategy
• Long Term Advanced FAP strategy
Both strategies are built inside one FAPTURBO expert advisor and can be switched on and off using UseScalperStrategy parameter in FAPTURBO settings.
Each strategy uses its own designed timeframe and currencies so be sure you use the strategy on proper currency pair and timeframe. Read the Guide in the download file for more details.
Only 1 strategy can work on one Chart at the same time but you can open several charts to run different strategies within one trading account. More details on how to do that can be found later in this Guide.
FAPTURBO scalper is a unique system that usually makes 1-5 trades a day aiming for small take profit value (from 6 to 10 pips) when the market is stable enough (often during nighttime in Europe).
By default scalper strategy does not make any trades during day time (GMT) and does not trade on Fridays, where the market is too unpredictable. (and of course no trades on weekends)
Scalper strategy is very safe because it has a low value stop loss limit and advanced algorithm that closes the trades according to inner indicators.
Stealth Mode protects you from cheating on the broker side. Using the stealth mode the take profit and stop loss values are not displayed to broker.
Scalper strategy works on EURGPB, EURCHF, GBPCHF or USDCAD currency pairs on M15 timeframe only.
Long Term Advanced FAP Strategy
FAPTURBO uses advanced FAPS (ForexAutoPilot) Algorithm.
The Trading system of the ForexAutoPilot expert advisor is based on several modern Forex indicators such as Alligator, Fractals, DeMarker, and William's Percent Rate. The system detects a good trend and confirms it using internal indicators, then opens the trades to make maximum profit for you. ForexAutoPilot advisor monitors each open trade carefully and closes it if it reaches the takeprofit limit when the trade is successful.
FAPTURBO Longterm FAP STRATEGY was optimized for the best performance on EURUSD pair M1 (1 minute timeframe).
FAPTURBO Long Term Strategy is optimized to avoid trading during risky market conditions. No trades will be opened on such dangerous days. Please have patience! If it does not open any trades for a week or two that means the market is in a risky zone!
Good luck !!!
Disclaimer : This is full test version only. Use it at your legal-own-risk. For legal authentication please visit original website !
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