Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Forex Fejőstehén Stratégia

A Forex Fejőstehén stratégia egy rendkívül hatékony kereskedési módszer, ami biztos megélhetést tud nyújtani a devizakereskedőnek! Több oka is van annak, hogy miért kedvelem annyira ezt a stratégiát. Először is nagyon megbízható! Valószínűleg a legmegbízhatóbb kereskedési módszer azok közül, amelyeket jelenleg használok. Másodszor: az alkalmazásához szükséges piaci szituáció nem történik meg minden nap. Átlagosan havonta 3-szor, 4-szer nyílik lehetőség a stratégia alkalmazására. Ezért ez a kereskedési módszer kevesebb stresszel jár, és több szabadidőt biztosít a kereskedő számára más tevékenységekhez. Harmadszor: már az előző napon tudom, hogy másnap lesz-e potenciális lehetőségem a stratégiával való kereskedésre, vagy sem. Negyedszer: ez a kereskedési módszer a türelmes kereskedő számára jelentős profitot képes biztosítani.

A stratégia mögött álló logika egyszerű: amikor a piacon egy bizonyos irányú árfolyamrobbanás történik, mindaddig folytatódik az árfolyammozgás ugyanabba az irányba, amíg az „üzemanyag el nem fogy” és a trend kifullad. A Forex Fejőstehén stratégia célja, hogy elcsípje az árfolyammozgást attól a pillanattól kezdve, amikor a piac jelzi az árrobbanást, addig a pillanatig, amíg a trend üzemanyaga elfogy. Az elgondolás egyszerű! Ahelyett, hogy azon spekulálnánk, vajon történni fog-e, és ha igen mikor és melyik irányba jelentős árfolyam elmozdulás, egyszerűen kivárjuk, míg a piac azt mondja nekünk: „Erős és gyors mozgásba lendültem! Gyere, csatlakozz!”

A Forex Fejőstehén stratégia azért működik nagyon jól a devizapiacon, mert ez a piac jellemzően éles és hosszan tartó árfolyamkilengéseket produkál. Megfigyeltem, hogy a devizák a hónap során hajlamosak az erőteljes kétnapos trendekre. Ezeket az erős két napig tartó trendeket használja ki ez a stratégia.

Amikor elkezdtem devizákkal kereskedni egy dolog nagyon zavart engem: azok a „hamis mozgások” amiket az előtt produkálnak az árfolyamok, mielőtt a piac ténylegesen eldöntené, hogy melyik irányba induljon el. Ez a jelenség nagyon gyakori a volatilis piacokon és könnyen csődbe viheti a kereskedőt, ha nem tudja, hogyan kell azt kezelni. Senki ne értsen félre, a volatilitás nagyon jó a kereskedőnek. Éles árfolyammozgások nélkül nem tudnánk elérni jelentős nyereségeket ilyen rövid idő alatt. Azonban tudni kell, hogyan bánjunk a nagyfokú volatilitással.

Minél nagyobb árfolyammozgást produkál egy devizapár, annál nagyobb eséllyel tudjuk sikeresen alkalmazni ezt a stratégiát. Ezért választottam ki a GBP/USD devizapárt ennek a stratégiának az alkalmazására, mivel a főbb devizapárok közül ennek van a legnagyobb rövid-távú árfolyammozgása.

Sok piaci elemző és kereskedési rendszertervező állítja, hogy egy kereskedési stratégia akkor jó, ha minden piacon működik. Én erősen hiszek ennek az ellenkezőjében. Az én szememben minden piacnak, sőt a devizapiacon belül minden devizapárnak is különböző, egyedi karaktere van. Azért alkalmaztam ezt a stratégiát a GBP/USD devizapárra, mert úgy gondolom, hogy ennek a devizapárnak a viselkedése a legalkalmasabb a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiával (vagy bármely más trendkövető stratégiával) való kereskedésre.

Amikor ennek a stratégiának a kifejlesztésén dolgoztam, azzal a problémával találkoztam, hogyan azonosítsam megbízhatóan egy trend elindulását anélkül, hogy lekésnék egy alacsony kockázatú és magas profitkilátású üzletről. Azt találtam, hogy két probléma merül fel, amikor megpróbálunk egy trendet azonosítani és abba beszállni. Először is a piac könnyen becsaphat minket azzal, hogy elhiteti velünk, hogy elkezdődött egy trend. Azonban rövid időn belül azt vesszük észre, hogy a korábban felismerni vélt trend csak egy hamis árfolyammozgás volt. Másodszor, amikor észrevesszük a valódi trendet, gyakran már túl késő piacra lépni, mivel a trend már véget is ért, vagy nem ért ugyan véget, de egy ellentétes irányú átmeneti árfolyam korrekció könnyen elérheti a stop loss megbízásunk árfolyamszintjét, hogy veszteséggel lökjön ki minket a piacról. Ezeket a problémákat a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia az esetek többségében képes sikeresen kezelni.

Az első követelmény, aminek a stratégia alkalmazásához teljesülnie kell, egy napon belüli árfolyamrobbanás. Azt kell látnunk, hogy a piac egy viszonylag rövid időn belül jelentősen erősödni, vagy gyengülni kezd. A „rövid idő” a mi szempontunkból egy kereskedési napot jelent, amit az egy napos oszlop grafikonon mérünk. Úgy találtam, hogy ha a GBP/USD devizapár egy kereskedési napon belül 140 pontos, vagy annál nagyobb árfolyam elmozdulást produkál azonos irányba a napi csúcspont, vagy mélypont értékétől számítva, ez árfolyamrobbanást jelez és a trend valószínűleg folytatódni fog a következő egy, vagy két kereskedési napon is. A 140 pont nagyon fontos érték. Az ettől kisebb mértékű elmozdulás valószínűleg csak egy szokásos napon belüli kilengés, ami nem ad megbízható jelzést arról, hogy egy valódi trend van-e kialakulóban. A GBP/USD devizapár árfolyamának 140 pontos, vagy azt meghaladó napon belüli elmozdulása nem fordul elő minden nap. Általában egy átlagos hónapban csak 6-7-szer történik meg, ezért ezek különleges piaci események. Egy általánosan érvényes kereskedési szabály szerint minél kevésbé gyakori egy üzleti lehetőség előfordulása, annál nagyobb nyereséget eredményezhet.

Amikor a fent leírt módon észrevettünk egy árfolyamrobbanást, a második lépésként a következő kereskedési napon azt akarjuk látni, hogy a piac az aznapi mélyponttól vagy csúcsponttól számítva 70 pontos árfolyam elmozdulást produkál az előző napi árfolyamrobbanással azonos irányban. Ekkor lépünk piacra a 70 pontos elmozdulással megegyező irányban. (Később – amikor a 30 pontos szabályról lesz szó – látni fogjuk, hogy a piacra lépéshez szükséges elmozdulás nem minden esetben lesz pontosan 70 pont.) Ne aggódjunk, ahogy hamarosan meg fogjuk tanulni, mindent nagyon könnyen ki tudunk majd számolni.

A piacra lépéssel egy időben egy 60 pontos stop loss megbízást is adunk. A kilépés vagy 100 pontos nyereség elérésének árfolyamértékénél történik, vagy a következő kereskedési napon 17:30 (GMT+1) órakor. A kettő közül az érvényes, amelyik előbb teljesül.

Most nézzünk meg néhány példát. A grafikonok időpont adatai a New Yorki időzóna szerint láthatók (GMT - 5).

Első lépésként figyeljük meg az egy napos oszlop diagramot, hogy észrevegyük a 140 pont árfolyam elmozdulást produkáló napot. Minden kereskedő szoftver vagy platform hozzáférést biztosít a napi csúcspontok és mélypontok árfolyamértékeihez, amelyeket az egy napos oszlop diagram is tartalmaz. A következő grafikonon megfigyelhetjük, hogy 2006. március 6-án a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia első követelménye, a 140 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás hogyan teljesült.

Vessünk egy közelebbi pillantást a 2006. március 6-i kereskedési napra az ötperces grafikonon:

Nem szükséges megnéznünk az ötperces grafikont, mert az egy napos grafikon minden szükséges információt tartalmaz. Azonban szeretném, ha látnánk a stratégia első követelményének teljesülését egy rövidebb időhorizontú grafikonon is.
A következő követelmény, amelynek teljesülnie kell a következő napon: 70 pontos elmozdulás az előző napi árfolyamrobbanással megegyező irányban. Ezért nézzük meg a 2006. március 7-i kereskedési napot az egy napos oszlop diagramon:

Figyeljünk arra, hogy ebben az esetben lefelé irányuló árfolyam elmozdulást keressünk, mivel az előző napi árfolyamrobbanás ebben az irányban történt. Amint látjuk a piac először egy csúcspontot produkált 1.7512-n, majd ezt követően elindult lefelé. A belépési pontunkat 1.7442-nél érte el (70 pontos elmozdulás a trend irányába a napi csúcsponttól mérve). Ekkor short (eladási) pozícióval lépünk a piacra és azonnal adunk egy stop loss megbízást is 60 pontra a belépési árfolyamtól 1.7502-es értékre és egy profitcél megbízást 1.7342-es árfolyamra (100 pont).

A piac még aznap elérte a profitcélunk árfolyamát így ezen az üzleten 100 pontot kerestünk.
Figyeljük meg, hogyan jelenik meg mindez az ötperces oszlop grafikonon:


A következő példát azért választottam, mert jól illusztrálja, hogy időnként milyen trükkösen viselkedik a piac.

2006. április 3-án a piac körülbelül 120 pontos meredek árfolyamesést produkált. Ezután – ahogy ez gyakran előfordul a napi zárás előtt – az árfolyam megfordult és 155 pontot emelkedett. (Figyeljük meg a kis vízszintes vonalat az árfolyamoszlop jobb oldalán.) Az árfolyamoszlop látszólag elég trükkös, mivel első ránézésre úgy tűnhet, mintha egész nap esett volna az árfolyam, azonban a piac helyes irányát az aznapi nyitó és záró árfolyamszintek egymáshoz viszonyított elhelyezkedése mutatja meg. (Újra csak a kis vízszintes vonalak az árfolyamoszlop bal és jobb oldalán.) Ha megfigyeljük a napi nyitó és záró árfolyamot láthatjuk, hogy bár látszólag egy eső trendet jelző oszloppal van dolgunk, valójában épp az ellenkezője az igaz: az árfolyamoszlop egy emelkedő trend kezdetét jelzi.
Így tehát a stratégiánk első követelménye teljesült amikor az árfolyam 140 pontot elérő árfolyammozgást produkált emelkedő irányban a napi mélyponttól számítva. Most azt fogjuk megfigyelni, hogy vajon folytatódik-e a trend a következő kereskedési napon? Tehát nézzük meg 2006. április 4-ét!

Ahogy ezen a grafikonon az egy napos árfolyamoszlopon látható, a piacon folytatódott az előző napi emelkedő trend. Miután az árfolyam 1.7369-en elérte a napi mélypontot elindult felfelé és 70 pontos emelkedéssel elérte az 1.7439-es szintet, amely a stratégiánknak megfelelő vételi belépési árfolyam. A belépéssel egy időben stop loss megbízást is adunk – arra az esetre, ha a piac ellenünk fordulna – a belépési árfolyamtól 60 pontnyi távolságra az 1.7379-es árfolyamon. Ezzel együtt egy eladási megbízást is adunk a kitűzött 100 pontos profit célárfolyamon, ami 1.7539. Amint látható az árfolyam rövid időn belül elérte a kilépési célárfolyamot és ezzel 100 pontos nyereséget termelt számunkra.

A 30 pontos szabály

Az utolsó követelmény, amelynek szükséges teljesülnie a biztonságos piacra lépéshez a „30 pontos szabály”. Ezt a szabályt azért hoztam létre, hogy kiszűrjem a „hamis” 70 pontos árfolyammozgásokat. Hadd magyarázzam el a szabály lényegét!

Amint azt korábban bemutattuk, a piacra történő belépési lehetőséget az jelzi számunkra, amikor az árfolyam 70 ponttal elmozdul az előző napi árrobbanással megegyező irányba. A 30 pontos szabály azt jelenti, hogy amikor a piac 70 ponttal elmozdul az árrobbanás irányába, ez csak abban az esetben tekinthető valódi belépési jelzésnek, ha az árfolyam ugyanakkor legalább 30 pontos távolságra van az előző napi csúcspont felett (emelkedő trendnél), vagy az előző napi mélypont alatt (csökkenő trendnél). Nézzünk erre két példát:


A következő egy napos oszlop grafikonon megfigyelhetjük, hogy 2006. április 7-én pénteken a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia első követelménye, a 140 pontos napon belüli árfolyam elmozdulás teljesült.

A következő kereskedési nap 2006. április 10-e, hétfő. Nézzük meg az árfolyam alakulását a következő 5 perces grafikonon:

A piac 1.7475-ös árfolyamon napi csúcsot ért el, majd hirtelen elindult lefelé, az előző napi árfolyamrobbanás irányába és 70 pontos elmozdulással 1.7405-re esett. A 30 pontos szabály nélkül 1.7405-ös árfolyamon beléptünk volna a piacra és short (eladási) pozíciót nyitottunk volna, 60 pontos stop loss-szal, ami 1.7465-ös árfolyamon lépett volna működésbe. Az 5 perces grafikonon látszik, hogy a piac aznap nem érte el a stop loss árfolyamot, de az egy napos grafikonon megfigyelhető, hogy a következő kereskedési napon, 2006. április 11-én már igen.

Azonban a 30 pontos szabály miatt nem léptünk piacra. A 30 pontos szabály ugyanis megköveteli, hogy a belépési árfolyamnak 30 ponttal az előző napi mélypont alatt kell lennie. Az előző napi mélypont a példánkban 1.7394 volt. A következő napon azonban az árfolyam nem ment 1.7376 alá, ami csak 18 ponttal volt alacsonyabb az előző napi mélypontnál. Ahhoz, hogy „valódi” eladási jelzést kapjunk az árfolyamnak 1.7364-ig kellett volna esnie, mert ez az árfolyamszint van 30 ponttal az előző napi mélypont alatt.

FONTOS: A 30 pontos szabály alkalmazása a gyakorlatban azt eredményezi, hogy néhány esetben 70 pontnál nagyobb árfolyam elmozdulás szükséges a második napon ahhoz, hogy a piacra lépjünk. Habár időben visszatekintve úgy látszik, hogy az esetek többségében az üzletek normálisan zajlanak, azaz a második nap 70 pontos elmozdulása már magában foglalja az előző napi mélyponttól, vagy csúcsponttól való 30 pontos távolságot is, ahogyan azt az első és második példánk esetében is megfigyelhetjük. Nézzünk egy másik példát is a 30 pontos szabály alkalmazására:


2006. április 24-én a GBP/USD devizapár 140 pontos árfolyammozgást produkált felfelé és ezzel teljesítette a Forex Fejőtehén Stratégia első követelményét.

Ezt követően azt szeretnénk látni, hogy 2006. április 25-én az árfolyam 70 pontot emelkedik. Az emelkedésnek át kell törnie az előző napi árfolyamcsúcsot (1.7934) és legalább 30 ponttal meg kell azt haladnia. Mindaddig nem lépünk piacra, amíg az árfolyam emelkedés 30 ponttal nem haladja meg a 24 órán belül mért maximum értéket. Így előfordulhat, hogy a piacra lépéshez 70 pontnál nagyobb mértékű árfolyam emelkedésre lesz szükség.

Nézzük meg az április 25-i árfolyammozgást az 5 perces oszlop grafikonon:

A piac 1.7826-on érte el a mélypontot, majd hirtelen megfordult és rövid időn belül 70 pontos emelkedéssel elérte az 1.7896-os szintet. Azonban ez nem jelentett valódi vételi jelzést, mivel az előző napi árfolyamcsúcs 1.7934 volt, így valódi vételi jelzést akkor kaptunk volna, ha az árfolyam elérte volna az 1.7964-es szintet. De ez nem történt meg, mivel a napi árfolyamcsúcs csak 1.7945 volt. Ebből a példából is látszik, hogy a 70 pontos elmozdulás a második napon önmagában nem elég a piacra lépéshez. Szükségünk van arra is, hogy az árfolyam ezzel együtt 30 ponttal meghaladja az előző napi árfolyamcsúcs értékét is.

Fontos, hogy újra kihangsúlyozzuk a lényeget: a 70 pontos elmozdulás követelményének és a 30 pontos szabálynak együttes alkalmazása néha azt eredményezi, hogy 70 pontnál nagyobb árfolyam elmozdulás szükséges a piacra lépéshez, azonban a szükséges árfolyammozgás soha nem haladhatja meg a 100 pontot.

Vegyük észre, hogy a harmadik és negyedik példában bemutatott esetekben az ügyleteink veszteségesek lettek volna a 30 pontos szabály alkalmazása nélkül. Vegyük azt is észre, hogy az első és második példában egyszerre teljesült a 70 pontos elmozdulás és a 30 pontos szabály, ezért mindkét üzlet nyereséges lett.

A 30 pontos szabály jól kiszűri a hamis vételi, vagy eladási jelzéseket, de nem 100%-osan tévedhetetlen, mint ahogy más szűrők sem azok. Azonban ha hosszú távon használjuk, bizonyítottan hatékonyan működik.

Nézzünk egy további példát a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiára:


Ez egy nagyon világos példa a módszer sikeres alkalmazására. Ahogy látjuk 2006. április 27-én a piac mélypontja 1.7820-on volt, majd egy árfolyamrobbanás következett, ami teljesítette a 140 pontos elvárásunkat. Ezt követően folytatódott az árfolyam emelkedés egészen az 1.8048-as napi csúcspontig. A következő nap arra vártunk, hogy:

1. a piac 70 pontos elmozdulást produkáljon az árfolyamrobbanás irányába,
2. legalább 30 ponttal az április 27-i csúcspont fölött beszállhassunk az üzletbe.

2006. április 28-án mindkét követelmény teljesült. A piac 1.8001-en ért a napi mélypontra, majd kilendült felfelé és 1.8078-on elérte a belépési célárfolyamunkat (70 pont + 7 pont, hogy a 30 pontos szabály is teljesüljön) ahol long (vételi) pozíciót nyitottunk. Mint mindig, most is elhelyeztünk egy stop loss megbízást 60 ponttal a belépési árfolyamunk alatt 1.8018-on. A profit célunk 1.8178-as árfolyamon hamarosan teljesült, így ez az üzlet 100 pontos nyereséget termelt számunkra.


Most egy kis gyakorlás következik, így leellenőrizheti hogy mennyire sikerült elsajátítania a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiát. Mutatni fogunk néhány grafikont, minden magyarázat nélkül. Tanulmányozza a grafikonokat, majd írja le az elemzését és azt, hogy az adott piaci szituációban hogyan hajtaná végre a Forex Fejőstehén üzletet. Minden gyakorlat után ismertetjük a helyes megoldást, amit összehasonlíthat saját elemzésével.


2006. június 22. csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8474 / 1.8262
2006. június 23. csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8315 / 1.8127

feladat elemzése

Most vesse össze saját elemzését a helyes megoldással:

2006. június 22.
Csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8474 / 1.8262.
A trend csökkenő.
140 pontos árfolyammozgás lefelé:
1.8474 – 0.0140 = 1.8334.
A stratégia első követelménye teljesült.

2006. június 23.
Napi árfolyam csúcspont: 1.8315.
A potenciális belépési pont a 70 pontos árfolyamesés után:
1.8315 – 0.0070 = 1.8245.
Mivel ez az érték csak 17 ponttal van az előző napi mélypont alatt, még nem lépünk piacra.
A helyes belépési árfolyam az előző napi mélypont mínusz 30 pont, azaz: 1.8262 – 0.0030 = 1.8232. Ezen az árfolyamszinten teljesül a 70 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás követelménye mellett az előző napi mélyponttól való 30 pontos távolság is, ezért itt nyitunk short (eladási) pozíciót.
A stop loss árfolyam: 1.8232 + 0.0060 = 1.8292.
A 100 pontos profit célárfolyama: 1.8232 – 0.0100 = 1.8132.
A piac még aznap tovább esett és elérte ezt az árfolyamot, ahol vétellel zártuk le a pozíciónkat. Mindez így néz ki az 1 napos árfolyam grafikonon:


2006 június 29. csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8301 / 1.8090
2006 június 30. csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8502 / 1.8262

feladat elemzése

2006. június 29.
Napi csúcspont / mélypont: 1.8301 / 1.8090
A trend emelkedő.
140 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás emelkedő irányba:
1.8090 + 0.0140 = 1.8230.
A stratégia első követelménye teljesült.

2006. június 30.
Napi mélypont: 1.8262.
A potenciális belépési pont 70 pontos árfolyam emelkedés után:
1.8262 + 0.0070 = 1.8332.
Mivel ez az érték 31 ponttal meghaladja az előző napi csúcspontot a 70 pontos árfolyam emelkedés és a 30 pontos szabály egyszerre teljesült. Ezért 1.8332-n long (vételi) pozíció nyitásával piacra lépünk.
A stop loss megbízás árfolyamszintje: 1.8332 – 0.0060 = 1.8272.
A 100 pontos profit célárfolyama: 1.8332 + 0.0100 = 1.8432.
A piac tovább emelkedett és még aznap elérte ezt az árfolyamszintet, ahol eladással zárjuk a pozíciót. Mindez így néz ki az egy napos grafikonon:

Haladó kereskedés a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiával

Mostanra megtanultuk, hogyan kereskedjünk mechanikusan a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiával. Ha A+B megvalósul akkor tedd C-t, vagy D-t. Ez a mechanikus kereskedési módszer nagyon könnyen kivitelezhető, ráadásul csekély időráfordítást igényel. Ha ön kezdő a deviza kereskedésben akkor erősen ajánlom, hogy a mechanikus módszert használja mindaddig, amíg elegendő tapasztalatra tesz szert!
A későbbiekben, vagy abban az esetben, ha ön már tapasztalt forex kereskedő érdemes megfontolnia, hogy a stratégiát ne 100%-osan mechanikusan, hanem egyéb piaci tényezőket is mérlegelve alkalmazza. A tananyagban korábban már tanultunk a támasz-, és ellenállási szintekről, illetve arról, hogy miként reagálhat a piac ezekre a szintekre. A támasz-, és ellenállási szintek elemzésének a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiával történő kombinálása rendkívül profitábilis lehet. Az elemzésnek ez a módszere kettős célt szolgál. Egyrészt jelzi a kereskedőnek, hogy mikor ne lépjen be egy üzletbe. Másrészt jelzi, hogy a lehetséges nagyobb profit érdekében mikor ne lépjen ki a szokásos 100 pontos profitcél elérésekor a piacról. Nézzük meg mindkét variációt!

Mikor ne lépjünk piacra?

Már tisztában vagyunk azzal, hogy az árfolyamok általában visszapattannak a támasz és az ellenállási szintekről. Minél nagyobb időhorizontot vizsgálunk, a potenciális visszapattanás mértéke annál nagyobb lehet. Az első szituáció, amit megvizsgálunk az, amikor a piac egy felismert jelentősebb támasz, vagy ellenállási szint közelében van, amikor a belépési jelzés megérkezik.

2005. július 8-án egy éles piaci trendforduló mintázata látszik az egy napos grafikonon, amely az 1.7310-es árfolyamszintet egy potenciálisan erős támaszként jelölte ki. Korábban már tanultuk, hogy a piaci fordulópontok megbízható támasz, vagy ellenállási szintekké válhatnak.

2005. július 19-én a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia első követelménye, a 140 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás teljesült, amikor az árfolyam 1.7341-ig esett. 2005. július 20-án megkaptuk a belépési jelzésünket is, amikor a piac 70 pontos eséssel elérte az 1.7311-es árfolyamot, amivel a 30 pontos szabály is teljesült. Ha mechanikusan alkalmaztuk volna a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiát, akkor ezen az árfolyamon eladással léptünk volna piacra. Ezen az üzleten sajnos hamarosan veszítettünk volna, mert a piac megfordult és 60 pontnál nagyobb mértékben, a stop loss árfolyam szintünk fölé emelkedett. Azonban ebben az estben nagyon kifizetődőnek bizonyulna a támasz / ellenállási szint elemzését összekapcsolni a stratégiánkkal, mert ez megkímélne minket a 60 pontos veszteségtől. Az egy napos grafikonból ugyanis könnyen felismerhetjük a napokkal korábban a belépési jelzésünk árfolyamszintje közvetlen közelében kialakult fő támasz szintet.

Persze a támasz szint érintése nem jelenti feltétlenül azt, hogy a piacon ezen a szinten újra trendforduló következik. De amit biztosan jelent az, hogy mivel a piac egy fontos támasz szint ellen intéz támadást, valószínűleg 60 pontnál nagyobb mértékű átmeneti visszapattanással fog erre a szintre reagálni, ami működésbe fogja hozni a stop loss megbízásunkat. Ezért alapvetően fontos felismernünk, hogy a 2005. július 8-án kialakult támasz szint jelentősen csökkenti annak a valószínűségét, hogy ez az üzlet nyereséges lesz.

Mikor növelhetjük meg az elvárt profitunkat?

Most nézzünk egy példát arra, hogyan növelhetjük meg a profit elvárásunkat a jelentős támasz és ellenállási szintek segítségével. Azt már tudjuk, hogy minél jelentősebb ellenállási, vagy támasz szinttel van dolgunk, annál nagyobb eséllyel számíthatunk az árfolyamok erőteljes visszapattanására, amikor a piac érinti ezeket a szinteket. Ezért amikor a profitunk növelése érdekében használjuk a támasz és ellenállási szintek elemzését, akkor az egy napos oszlop grafikont kell figyelnünk. Ugyanis ezen az időhorizonton azonosíthatjuk azokat a főbb ellenállási és támasz szinteket, amelyek a legnagyobb valószínűséggel eredményeznek erős trendfordulókat, vagy árfolyam visszapattanásokat. Nézzük meg, hogyan alakul ki egy ilyen piaci szituáció.

Elemzésünk első lépése, hogy azonosítsuk a lehetséges támasz és ellenállási szinteket az egy napos grafikonon. Már tanultuk, hogy a Fibonacci szintek gyakran működnek megbízható támasz, illetve ellenállási szintekként. Nézzük meg a következő grafikont:

2005. július 20-tól augusztus 12-ig a GBP/USD devizapár árfolyama emelkedő trendben 1.7272-ről 1.8180-ig erősödött. Itt megtört az emelkedő trend és elkezdődött a korrekció. Ahogy az a tananyagban korábban tanultuk, a Fibonacci szintek használatával 3 olyan árfolyamszintre tudunk spekulálni, ahol az árfolyam valószínűleg támaszt talál magának. 2005. augusztus 30-án, amikor az árfolyam a 38,2%-os Fibonacci szinthez ért megállt az esés. Remélhetőleg ezen a szinten jó támaszt talált a piac. Egy nappal később, augusztus 31-én egy árfolyamrobbanás történt emelkedő irányban, ami azt a feltételezést erősítette, hogy a 38,2%-os támasz kitart és az emelkedő trend ismét folytatódik. Ráadásul a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia első követelménye, a 140 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás aznap szintén teljesült. A következő napon, szeptember 1-én egy vételi jelzést kaptunk, amikor a piac 1.8090-ig erősödött. Ezen a ponton a következőket tudjuk:

1. A GBP/USD devizapár fő trendje emelkedő (2005. július 20. – augusztus 12.)
2. Több, mint valószínű, hogy a 38,2%-os Fibonacci szint jó támaszként működik.
3. Az emelkedő trend folytatódik, amit a 2005. augusztus 31-i masszív, 240 pontos trend irányú árfolyam elmozdulás bizonyít.

Az elemzés helytálló volt és a trend folytatódásának eredményeképpen az árfolyam két nap elteltével 1.8500-ig emelkedett, ami 410 pontos potenciális profitot jelentett. (1.8500 – 1.8090 = 410 pont!) Sajnos az élő kereskedés során a dolog nem ilyen egyszerű! Visszatekintve könnyű azt mondani, hogy 410 pontos nyereséget érhettünk volna el, hiszen már ott látjuk az árfolyam mozgását a grafikonon. De hogyan tudhatjuk előre, hogy a piac el fogja érni az 1.8500-as árfolyamot? A válasz egyszerű: sehogy! Az én megközelítésem a dologhoz egyszerű. Úgy kalkulálok, hogy ha a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia standard hozam elvárása 100 pont, akkor az 1.-2.-3. pontban tárgyalt körülmények között megduplázhatom a hozamelvárásomat és 200 pontos profitra tartok igényt.

Véleményem szerint ez egy konzervatív hozam célkitűzés, egyszerűen azért, mert egy jó támasz szinttel van dolgunk, amit az egy napos grafikonon azonosítottunk és korábban már tanultuk, hogy minél nagyobb az időhorizont amit vizsgálunk, annál nagyobb mértékű az árfolyamok visszapattanása a támasz-, és ellenállási szintekről.

Az előbbiekben két példát láttunk arra, hogyan kereskedhetünk a Forex Fejőstehén stratégiával nem kizárólag mechanikusan, hanem a támasz-, és ellenállási szintek elemzésével összekapcsolva. Amikor a tananyagunkban a technikai elemzéssel foglalkoztunk, más példákat is láttunk arra, hogyan találhatjuk meg a támasz-, és ellenállási szinteket, amelyeket a kereskedésünk során ugyanazzal a logikával használhatunk, amit az előbbi példákban bemutattunk.

Azonban szükséges rámutatnom, hogy visszatekintve mindig könnyebb elemezni a piaci eseményeket, ahogy azt mi is tettük. Mindez valós időben már sokkal nehezebb. Pontosan ezért azt tanácsolom, hogy ha ön nem egy tapasztalt kereskedő, akkor inkább a hagyományos módszerrel, 100%-ban mechanikusan használja a stratégiát!

Speciális megjegyzés a grafikonokkal kapcsolatban

Szeretném nyomatékosan kihangsúlyozni, hogy a legjobb módszer a Forex Fejőstehén stratégia alkalmazására, ha az egy napos oszlop grafikon árfolyamoszlopait használjuk. Ezek az oszlopok talpukkal és tetejükkel pontosan jelzik a napi minimum és maximum árfolyamszinteket. Ahogyan már tanultuk, az árfolyamoszlopok bal, illetve jobb oldalán lévő vízszintes vonalak pedig pontosan jelzik a napi nyitó és záró árfolyamokat is. A Forex Fejőstehén elemzéshez ingyenesen használhatja a ingyenes grafikonjait:

FONTOS: Szeretnék tisztázni egy dolgot a piacra lépés napjának (a legalább 140 pontos árfolyamrobbanás napját követő nap) árfolyamcsúcspontjával, illetve mélypontjával kapcsolatban. Egy gyakran felmerülő kérdés a következő: Hogyan tudom, mi a napi csúcspont, vagy mélypont mielőtt még a nap véget érne? Nos, lényegében a napi csúcspont vagy mélypont nem igazán fontos. Csak illusztrációként használtam őket. Hadd magyarázzam el!

Ami igazán fontos, és az egyetlen dolog, amire a kereskedőnek koncentrálnia kell az a 70 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás, aminek az előző napi legalább 140 pontos árfolyamrobbanással azonos irányban kell megtörténnie. Így például ha vételi pozíció nyitására készülünk, akkor arra várunk, hogy a piac elérje az előző, 140+ pontos nap árfolyamcsúcsát. Amikor ez megtörténik megmérjük az árfolyamnak az ADOTT IDŐPONTBAN ÉRVÉNYES NAPI MÉLYPONTTÓL való távolságát. Az így kapott számhoz hozzáadunk 30-at (30 pontos szabály). Ha az eredmény 70, vagy annál nagyobb, akkor megvan a belépési árfolyamunk, mivel megtudtuk, hogy további 30 pontos árfolyam emelkedés esetén az aktuális mélyponttól számolva megvalósul a piacra lépéshez szükséges 70 pontos elmozdulás követelménye is. Ha a kapott érték 70-nél kisebb, akkor hozzáadunk annyi pontot, hogy az eredmény 70 legyen, és ez lesz a belépési árfolyamunk, mivel itt teljesül egyszerre a 30 pontos szabály és az éppen érvényes mélyponttól mért 70 pontos árfolyam elmozdulás követelménye.

Most tételezzük fel, hogy a belépési árfolyamszint elérése előtt a piac megfordul és újabb mélypontot produkál, majd újra megfordul és ismét eléri az előző 140+ pontos nap árfolyamcsúcsát. Ebben az esetben az előbb használt módszert alkalmazva egyszerűen újra kiszámoljuk a belépési pontunk értékét. Azonban tapasztalatból mondom, hogy ha a piac megfordul és új mélypontot produkál, akkor kicsi annak a valószínűsége, hogy az árfolyam visszapattanjon és újra elérje az előző napi csúcspont árfolyamszintjét.

1. Megvárjuk az előző napi csúcspont elérését. (Ehhez igénybe vehetünk olyan szolgáltatást, amely riasztást küld nekünk a megadott árfolyamszint elérése esetén, mint például az
2. Kiszámoljuk a belépési árfolyamot.
3. Vételi megbízást adunk a kiszámolt árfolyamon való üzletkötésre, és ugyanakkor eladási megbízást is a 100 ponttal magasabban lévő profitcél árfolyamára, valamint stop loss megbízást a belépési árfolyam mínusz 60 pontos árfolyamra.

Ezzel a munka el van végezve. Az esetek 80%-ában a piac nem fog újabb mélypontot elérni. Ha mégis megtörténne, akkor a nem teljesült megbízásokat visszavonjuk, és amennyiben a piac lehetőséget ad rá, új megbízást adunk az újra számolt belépési árfolyamra.

Ugyanezt a módszert alkalmazzuk csökkenő trend esetén is, amikor eladási pozíció nyitására készülünk, csak ebben az esetben nyilvánvalóan az előző, 140 pontos árfolyamrobbanást produkáló nap mélypontjának az elérésére várunk, majd a belépési árfolyamot az adott időpontban éppen érvényes napi árfolyamcsúcs értékéből kiindulva számoljuk ki. Természetesen ebben az esetben az üzletet a kiszámolt belépési árfolyamra adott eladási megbízással nyitjuk és a 100 ponttal alacsonyabban lévő profitcél árfolyamra adott vételi megbízással zárjuk, a stop loss megbízásunk pedig a belépési árfolyam plusz 60 pontra szól.

Forex EA - Automated forex trading "Rhythm" Instructions

Many thanks to Tkimble on the ForexFactory for the simple forex strategy that this
forex EA is designed to manage.

Name: Rhythm Pair: Any forex Pair You like.

This is a simple Stop @ Reverse forex system. It should be able to be used with
Daily and weekly forex trading

Once trade is initiated the stop loss and reversals are equal. Example: the stop is placed at 40 PIPs and the reversal is likewise placed at 40 PIPs. When the stop is activated, the reversal is simultaneously activated. There is no limit on how
many reversals there can be in a day unless Max forex Trades variable is used

EA- Variables:

Overrule Direction: = True/False forex EA makes next day trade decision on the basis of the previous Days trend (i.e.; previous day up, Place "Buy" market order, previous day down, enter "Sell" market order) Example: Yesterdays open/close positive = LongEntry) (Yesterdays open/close negative = ShortEntry) 00:00 >< 0="False" 0="False," direction ="True" long =" True" hour =" 00:00" hour=" 23:00" trades =" 0" once =" false" stop =" false" Automated Forex EA's

Enhanced BASIC Synergy FOREX EXPERT ADVISOR read this

3 Simple moving average Fractal system

This is a basic system that require a break of a fractal for trend direction entries and exits are based when moving average touches 3 SMA Low for buys and 3 SMA High for shorts.



Up Fractal taken out (Broken)

Buy when Price touches 3 SMA Low

Exit when price touches 3 SMA High


Down Fractal Taken out (Broken)

Sell when Price touches 3 SMA High (Sell Limit at 3 SMA High)

Exit When Price Touches 3 SMA Low (Buy Limit at 3 SMA Low)


Only take buys Trades when prices are above 200 JMA, Reverse for Shorts (Selectable)


1, Ability to select any time frame for system

2, Cross Time Frame Trading (Example select H1 Fractals, Take buys and sells on H30)

3, SMA need to be selectable

4, JMA needs to be selectable

5 Ability to select trade starting times and stop trading time (Start Trading 9:00 GMT Stop Trading 22:00 GMT)

6, Money management ability to select percentage of account to risk (Example only
Risk 3% of account)

7, Ability to trade many pairs at one time, to produce small portfolio.

User inputs

Fractal Time Frame H1
Period SMA 3
Period JMA 200
Percentage_Risk 3%
Stop Loss .1%
Profits take 100 Pips (Ability to turn on or off)

Also Included Day of week Filter.

Dayofweek_Mon True
Dayofweek_Tue True
Dayofweek_Wed True
Dayofweek_Thur True
Dayofweek_Fri True
Dayofweek_Sun False

Read more Profit Forex trading method #2

How to tell Forex Experts from Forex Indicators

There is no file extension to distinguish between and forex Expert or forex Indicator. If you are not sure what you have, they you have to look at the code in MetaEditor. At the top of the code in MOST Experts there will be code such as Lots, Stop Loss, Take Profit, these would be Experts. Most MT4 forex indicators with say Custom forex Indicator in the code, and MT3 indicators with have things such as Separate Window, First Color, Draw Type and things of that nature. I can not code a single thing, but I can read. Some forex Experts have a wealth of information written inside the code for easy understanding.

When you drag the Expert from the forex Expert Advisors folder in MetaTrader to the forex chart and let if go, that is when a pop up window should show up. On the common tab will be a box that says allow live forex trading, check it. Inputs tab will be to make changes to the code if it's allowed. Then click ok. Forex Indicators taken from the Custom Indicators folder of MetaTrader will have a popup window as well, but no live trading. Just a list of settings, click ok and it should run.

If it's not, I would probably remove the Expert or Indicator from MetaTrader and try it again. I could be they are just in the wrong folders. Open the code to determine what it is, place it in the appropriate folder, compile it in that folder and start MetaTrader. From the Navigator menu, open forex Expert Advisors, drag the forex EA to the forex chart you want to run on and let it go, on the comon tab from the popup, click allow live trading and it should work. If it's an Indicator, it will be in the Navigator Menu under Custom Indicators.

Only if You need More Forex EA's and Other Forex trading Software

Friday, November 7, 2008

Psychology of a FOREX Trader

Why Should We Speculate?

It is peculiarly subsequent the hearts about those who know puzzles and riddles. There are many ways to crumble to the furry creatures exchange, sometimes yourselves are logical, but her are more often significantly the reverse. And money is for many ragtag and bobtail freedom, in any event not prevalent as to them know what to do by use of the very thing next. Exempli gratia readily as you\'ve familiarized with the stock speculation, myself become a master pertaining to yourself: you chamber live wherever you want, work wherever oneself defalcation and all regarding me is without a boss. . The wholesaling is a chance in contemplation of pluck the beard a sight of the ready at a stroke. The speculation towards stock market seems to be an tranquilly thing. Having succeeded passage the beginning, an condition already counts him/herself exempli gratia an invincible ace, acts carelessly, and loses everything. Albeit this homeliness is deceptive. Inner man is a toothsome intellectual experimental theater - chess, poker and crossword at a time. The stock speculation beckons the brave ones and scares the ones who prefers a bird in the hand. An everyman lives steadily: breakfast, work, lunchtime, home in the evening, a supper with a bottle of beer, watching TV and sleeping. If a chance appears to make a pretty penny out, he/she entrusts the money to a banker for saving. And a speculator has his/her every hour working, and he/she puts the capital in adventure. A speculator gets off the nowadays' broad gauge and steps ahead to the imprecision of the future.

Gaining One's Potential

They come back at to every new thing. Then the money eagerness come out in this way a trouble with respect to course. Inter alia you can receive both the sporting desideration and a thousand amount as for profit. The good speculators are usually unfaltering and sharp. Their ultimate aim is to speculate ably. The prepossession to realize him/herself, possessed abilities is an genetic customer and myself is inherent to many people. Curious for relate, their aim is not money. This is the endeavor that pushes people to match the strength with each incidental on the exchange hackney.

The prosperous speculators sharpen their skills without weariness. To reach the individual perfection is more important than any money for them. A prosperous speculator from New York said: "If I grow as a professional at least by a half of percent per year, then I will die as a genius". A real speculator is before us, wherefore he endeavors perfection. Another professional from Texas said: You can spend even a whole day against to me with the eyes fixed on me, but you won't guess either I've lost two thousand or won". I.e. he is at the level where the win is not a triumph, and the loss is not a shame. He is entirely in the game, he sharpens his skill with it and the money has no power over his feelings anymore.The disaster of those who want to self-improve is they have veinlet of standing in own light. The drivers-scorchers meet with an accident every time and crash their cars, the speculators-scorchers waste their accounts. The stock exchange is an abyss of opportunities either to do harm to yourself or to reach the peak of your potential. To play your own dramas on the exchange scene is an expensive enjoyment. The speculators who are out of tune with themselves oftenly seek for a vent for their contradictory desires in the stock market game. But if you don't know what you're striving to, the embellishment-like situation may arise: hoisted by own petard.

Fantasy vs. Reality

Alter ego is an chosen analyst, remain subliminal self doesn't want to foot the bill that his plan of \"intensive farming\" is a pietistic death. What's waiting for him? in relation to course, a starving life. Imagine, your friend bought a shirttale grassland and declared that he womanizer run by this garden. Trying on argue into bunglingly other self ought to revenue a big risk. I've tried headed for realize him to reason, but he degenerate the subject. Only of my friends narrated me his desideratum concerning how towards live referring to the take-in except the jive super respecting 6000 dollars. . He/she sees plainly what is happening and how to act in this problem or another. Many nest give full-bodied swing to their feelings as they capriole the stock market game, by what name well. The prosperous speculator is a realist. Alterum grist that self pass on get the blinker out the rum in case concerning a small stand with respect to the caulis exchange contrary to him. He/she realizes what is in his/her disposal and what is not. He/she takes a practical estimation of the stock situation and builds the real plans holding the emotions. The illusions are not for a professional speculator.A layman panics after preforming some unsuccessful operations and losing some money. His/her ideas about the stock market become more awry as they go further. The unlucky fellows have many fantasies about the purchase, the sale and the choice of the trades. They act as the children that are afraid to walk through the cemetery or peep under the bed at night, it is because the fear has big eyes.The stock exchange heats the imagination playing with its imprecision. This kind of illusive ideas are greatly widespread. There are even a course of lectures about the general fantasies at the New York psycho-analytical university where I got my education. Here is one of them, for example: many ones in their boyhood think that their parents are adoptive. This conjecture is a try to explain the hostility or the coldness of the family. It comforts a child but prevents from seeing the world in the real colors. The fantasies affect the behavior of a human, though it is possible that he/she doesn't realize them. I intercommunicate with many speculators and constantly notice their one or another fantasy - they distort the reality and hinder the success at the stock exchange. A successful speculator should recognize own fantasies and get rid of them.
Myth about Stock Wisdoms (Вraiп Муth)
You can hear from the unlucky fellwos that suffer from the myth about the stock wisdoms: "I've lost because I didn't know the game secrets". Many failures think that the prosperous speculators know some special secrets. Owing to this, the consultants and the traders of ready-to-serve methods of stock market game do not have a lack of clients. A crestfallen speculator oftenly spends all of his/her exchange capital if only he/she will acquire these "widoms". He/she is ready to pay 3000 dollars for a "failproof", tested on a computer method of exchange trading. When this idea fails he spends another round amount for some "science-based instruction": contemplating the moving of the planets, as is written there, he will now come off victorious and become a real professional speculator.This muffs can not understand that playing on the stock market is not so overwise. It is much more diffcult to remove cecal appendage, build a bridge or sit in judgement. A good speculators are usually sharp, but not always they are intellectuals. Many of them did not go to college, and some of them even left the school. The stock market game oftenly attracts the successful buisnessmen or the people with liberal professions. Here is the portrait of an average american client of a brokerage company: it is a married man of fifty with a higher education. Many ones have the same academic degree or the own firm. The most numerous groups are engineers and farmers. So why these successful in thier own buisness people lose at the stock exchange? The point is that a passport to success lies not in a special wisdom, not in some secrets and surely not in the education.

Myth about Insufficient Capital

The laymans get the bite from the game after a conseqution of losses or in line with a tragically losing trade. Earning, preservatory or bill money they yawning a new small account. He/she is marshal into pluck at hairbreadth (own or forex borker's)! indeed, if it bullyragged along by for ulterior abundant year the bankroll would prevail at his/her pocket! The unfortunates registry the proof touching the correctness of their proceeding corridor this. Oftenly, after the layman's income account is as well the market changes face demand up the stream involved by the loser. Many unlucky fellows expect that if their account was bigger then the power elite would succed. . The history repeats itself: the unfortunate gets the kick from the game, and the market proves the "rightness" of the loser by changing the face, but it is too late, alack: the account is already eliminated. Here is where the fantasy is born "If I had a larger account, I would tide over longer and win".Many unfortunates bespeak with the money support of relatives or kith describing them a varinat of a probable gain. At the first sight it seems that they could really win a lot if they had more money on the account. But gathering a greater amount of money, they lose anyway, the market goofs on them, as though! A muff lacks the intellect, not the capital. He/she will lose both with the big or with the small account, just as well. He/she hyper-speculates and manages the money unmercenariliy. He/she runs the venture unreasonable neither for a big, nor for a small account. With all advantages of his/her tactics he/she will be kicked from the game because of inaptitude of playing it.The speculators are oftenly intersted what amount of money to start with. They want to hold their ground before the cavalcade of drawdowns, before the temporary decrease of the capital. They count on the loss, but not on the win, at first. Imagine an architect that firstly plans to build some bridges that should ruin, and then erect his masterpiece, indeed. Or imagine a surgeon that assumes that he would be enoung skilled to remove an cecal appendage just after some surgeries with the lethal outcome. And, sure, the speculators disourse just the same. The one who wants to win and be successful should strictly limit his/her losses. For this purpose you should expose to risk a small part of your capital at every trade.Take a few years to acquire with the stock exchange science. Begin with an account not more than 20000$ and watch every trade not to exceed 2% of capital loss. Learn by the small misses on the small accounts.The laymans do not calculate the losses and are absoultely not ready for them. The conclusion about the insufficient capital is their psychological trick that help to hide from themselves two bitter truths: the absence of selfcontrol during the game and the absence of the realistic control of the capital. A big stock account, however, has an advantage: the cost of the facilities and the services comprises a lover percentage of the invested money. The owner of a million fund deducts only 1% from it spending 10000$ on the computers and the seminars. The same expenses will comprise 50% of the capital of 20000$.

Аutopilot Муth

Imagine that someone proposes you to buy an automatical driving system. Give him/her a couple of hundreds of dollars and the computer plate is yours: you only need to implant it to the control panel of the car. He/she assures you that you do not need to carry about driving anymore. You can even fall asleep while the "system of smooth driving" rushes you to the working place. Most likely you'll dismiss this trader lauging.And what if he/she proposed you an automatic system of stock market game? The speculators that believed in the tale of the game with autopilot think the process of profit accumulation can be automated. Ones try to develop their own system of stock market game, the others buy it from the "professionals". Lawyers, doctors, businessmen that sharpened their skills for years throw out thousands of dollars for buying a "ready-to-serve buisness proffesionalism". The greediness, laziness and the mathematical illiteracy speaks inside of them.Earlier, this kind of systems were provided in the form of the press products, nowadays - in the form of the copy protected diskettes. Some systems are simple, the others are subtle with the embedded optimization program and the instructons for distribution of the cash assets. Many speculators spend thousands of dollars in the search of the miracle that would turn some pages of code into the endless flow of money. The hunters for the systems of the stock market game remind of the medieval knights that payed the alchemists for the secret of turning the simple metals into gold.The complex human activity defies the automation. The education computer systems didn't replace the teachers and the programs for tax calculation didn't left the accountants without work. Among many types of activities the decision is left to the human: the machines and the systems can help him/her but not replace them, nowhere near. Many ones singed feathers on buying the systems: they even co-operated in the "Club 3000" perpetuating the cost of the systems in its name. If only the auto system of the stock market game existed, we could luxuriate somewhere on Tahiti till the end of our days, just have time to receive the cheques from the broker.However, nowadays the systems of stock market game enriched only their providers. Their cottage industry is not big but very picturesque. If the systems are really effective then why should they be sold? Is it not better to settle down on Tahiti themselves negotiating the cheques only. All of them have their own answer to this question. Some say that they prefer to write the programs instead of speculating. The others say that they sell their systems exceptionally to gather wealth.The exchanges always vary, bringing to naught the activities of the automated systems of the stock market game. Yesterday's method superannuates and tommorow it may become even pernicious. An experienced speculator will always correct his/her system if there is something wrong with it. The auto system is less flexible and it self-destructs because of it. Despite of using autopilots, the airlines do not refuse from aviators paying well their job. Well, only the human can wrest down with an unforeseen situation. He/she is the only one who can prevent a crash, if the plain had loss of pressure somewhere over the Pacific or if it ran out of fuel somewhere over the Canadian wides. The newspapers reported about this kind of situations, and in every case the pilot performed an emergency landing thanks to the experience and the gumption. It is above the autopilot's bend.

Toward put in pawn up against the auto manner of working is the foregoing identically up to detail your interest in contemplation of the autopilot. The cavesson concerning government be expedient hold your horses at his/her hands: it is unreasonable headed for pick nits the guilt being the success prevailing the system as regards domestic animals market game. Once the unpredicted periphery is met the retainer will disappear. . There are the good exchange system, for sure, but the doctrinaire should keep back and correct ruling classes whereto the deification of his/her own estimation.
The speculators that suffer from the autopilot fantasy try to live as the children. In those days the mammies did everything for them: fed, warmed, protected. Now these people try to reconstruct this environment for themselves, i.e. they want to tranquilly lie gathering the profits by their hands, like they used to drink the endless warm trickle of granted milk from their mother's breast. But the exchange is not a mammy. There are harsh uncles and aunts that attempt to possess your money and not to give you a milk to drink.

Personality Cult

Indifferently ministry collapse, they oftenly put in for so as to an news service from mortal mullet second guru. \"small stalins\" routed in many spheres: in economy, in biology, advanced architecture, etc. And after his death we got to learn that he was a mondrosity. Rout ones struggle for the smooth sailing and the high income just verbally. Fantasy that someone else water closet fix up a human deserves a special attention. But when inner man was alive number one served multifarious ones. Well, he delivered them for the use of thinking. What time they run into difficulties, the administration strike into a novel bel canto and begin prosecution now a \"strong hand\". . I grew up inlet the Soviet similarity where we, children, were indoctrinated that stalin is our big with child leader. When I began the usual market game as arrived to usa, i was amazed: many speculators have been in full cry with their guru here, as well, their admit everything \"small stalin\".

No Blind Game

To win you should master three main principles of the exchange trading:- it is a rational individual psychology;- a logical system of playing the game;- a circumspect plan of capital controlling.
These three props are like the tripod legs: remove one of them and it will fall with the one who sits on it. The muffs try to sit on the tripod with one or maximum two legs. They direct all their attention to the systems of the stock exchange trading. It is necessary to perform the stock market game by a clearly designed method. In the course of the game you should analyse your emotions watching the making of the reasoned decisions. Also you need to compose a plan of capital controlling that will not allow you to fall out of the game during the long sequence of losses.

Psychology of Dealings

It are dependable for the result in connection with every trade. At the stock market ninepins yourself emulate thanks to the sharpest minds speaking of the world. The game intellectual curiosity begin or put to sleep in aid of himself as timely in what way self enter or crossing the bar the trade. The most of speculators contemplate the kick unmatched because they are not psychologically vulpine to win. . Playact not engrave the sales or go along from it if myself noticed that the go off half-cocked of the turn to profit pale a fear has insensible your mind. And the sticken superficial extension is pocky wherewithal the traps for you. You won\'t ruffle along by only in company with a good system of playing. As things go satisfactory the system of trades choosing was the punter won\'t evade the losses if he begins playing in fear, stark-staring mad the hinges billet with bighead. The emotional state relative to a player reflects on the town of his/her capital. Your give success chaplet misfortune hang on will subconscious self temperate your feelings or not. At all alterum allowed your emotions so that the comeptition your foresight will kill.

Cutting One's Own Corners

The stock exchange is a great tempter: its seductions are lying in wait for you on every step, like while visiting a golden treasury or a gorgeous harem. It blows the fire of a gain hunger and strikes you with a scare of loss. These feelings cover the perception of the reality, the abilities and the risk. Performing some good trades the majority of laymen count themselves as a genius. The head is in a whirl at the thought of you can neglect your own rules in the virtue of your unicity - the success is assured anyway.

There it is, a speculator enters the path of self-sabotage as he/she goes round about own rules. Many speculators win as they study up, and then they unleash their feelings. Many of broken-down speculators live on the swing: up-down-up-down.The mark of the prosperous speculator is his/her ability of steadily accumulating the capital. It is necessary to objectively register and appraise own exchange activity. It is useful to keep a diary with the charts of the exchange before the opening of the trades and after theirs closing, and also thier registry with the detailed description including the commission charges and the slippage. It is necessary to strictly comply with the rules controlling the capital. Very much so, you will spend the same amount of effort for the self-concept as for the appraising of the exchange.I've read many books about the psychology of the stock market game during the qualifying of it. And I've found many rational advices in them. So, some authors persuaded to self-control: "The exchange must not hunt its own line. Don't make the decisions in the game time. Plan the game and play by the plan". The others persuaded to the flexibility of actions: "Begin the game without any provisions. Change the plans during the exchange changes". Some specialists propose to seclude: not to listen to exchange news, not to read Wall Street Journal, not to discuss anything with the other speculators, i.e. - face to face with the exchange. But others advised to share your thoughts with the colleagues absorbing everything new. Every advice seemed to a useful one, but it contradicted with the other not less useful advice. I've continued reading the books and playing on the exchange focusing my attention on the system improvement.I haven't neglected my psychological practice, as well. I didn't even imagine that there is something common in these two provinces until it blessed me once. The psychiatry gave the idea that inverted my style of playing.

Insight that Inverted My Playing Style

Furthermore, i've worked as a consultant at a stuck-up program of reabilitation of drug addicts. Like the most relative to gynecologist I had dissimilar patients that suffered from the alcoholism. And at an backward borscht circuit I alleged the sal ammoniac addicts and alcoholics bind maximal else chances to revolve ass-backwards in transit to normal something at the groups of intersupport, than at the psychiatric institutions in line with the traditional form. .
The menatal healing, medicines and the expensive curing at the clinics can take out off the hard drinking, but rarely it turns them to total abstainers. The backslide happens with many of the drug addicts. The more useful way is to participate in the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other intersupporting groups. Since I understood that the AA members have serious chances to become the total abstainers and begin a new life, I became a big admirer of this community sending my patients to it and its subsidiaries (like a Alcoholics Anonymous for the grown children).
Now, beginning the curing of an alcoholic I press his/her suit to enter the AA convincing that in the other case our efforts will be a waste of time and money. Once in the evening, many years ago I visited my friend of the department when I was walking to the amicable meeting at our psychiatry department. It was two hours befor the beginning of the meeting and my friend (that cured from alcoholism) asked me: "So, what do you prefer, go to the movies or visit the meeting of the Community?" I sended many ones to the AA, but never been there, because I don't drink to the excess. And I decided to visit the AA, snatching at a chance: I needed to see how everyting happens there. The meeting was performed at the local department of Christian union of the young people.
A ten of men and women settled on the folding chairs at the simple room. The meeting lasted for an hour. I was amazed with what I heard: these people as if they've discussed my stock market game. Of course, they've talked about the alcohol but once I changed the "alcohol" word with the "loss", the most part would refer to me! My exchange capital continued jumping at that time. I've left the meeting knowing how to struggle with the loss: like they fight with the alcohol at the AA.

Winners and Losers

People come to the exchange from the different ranks bringing their own way of thinking, benefits of education and the past experience. They lose as they act at the stock exhange like in the daily life. The success and the defeat in the stock market game depend on:
- your thoughts and feelings; - your attitude to the profit and the risk; - your fear and hunger for the gain; - your ability of temperating your game passion and the aspiration of the exquisite feelings.
And most of all, the success and the defeat depend on the ability of playing with the head and not playing the drama of feelings. A speculator that exults from the win and relapses into the depression from the loss can not make a handsome fortune: the emotions rules him/her, indeed. If you let the exchange to prostrate you to the delight or to the despair - say goodbye to your money.To win in the exchange game it is necessary to know own nature, act self-possessed and be accountable for own actions. The people injured with the losses throw themselves in the search for the miraculous methods. The same time, they do not notice the important lessons that they could retrieve from their professional or buisness environment.

Akin to the Ocean

Excepting your feelings do not inhere in for the exchange: they live plainly inside you. When the oceanic element takes your ship right in order to the cays during the strorm, i myself are panicly scared. All the same it is not pertinent to to make your life a burden, as well. Your prosperity doesn\'t the four elements as far as the ocean. The logroll does not seize about your existence. The sign over is akin toward an the briny where the flowing tides and the low tides come and reeling back independently of your desires. You are comfortable buying a stock whose dearness is rising. . Other self have the power integrally distinguished your actions. Until stir it is not way out the disposition of yours. You ordinary run cold from the concernment at which you sell since downturn and the sternway begins near the exchange, and your capital melts amid every jump. When a tender trumpet takes your sailing-ship so the desired signboard on a sunny day, you\'re glad. The feelings that brought up by the ocean live only in your spirit. But unleashing them, you risk to perish yourself, wherefore they start to control your behavior pressing up the mind.A seaman can not control an ocean, but he can control himself. He studies the sea currents and the weather changes. He learns the skillful sailing and accumulates experience. He know when it is possible to put the sea and when it's better to stay at the harbor. A good seaman bases upon his knowledge and mind.An ocean can be useful: it is a fishery and a navigatable waterway to the far countries. An ocean can be dangerous, as well: it is a disastrous place, a grave. The more rationally you commune with it, the more probable the success is. All kinds of feelings divert you from the situation in the ocean.
A speculator must study the exchange changes like a seaman the oceanic currents, the flowing tides and the low tides. You can not subdue the exchange to your control, but to subdue yourself is quite possible. You should learn the science of possessing yourself during the stock market game on the small trades.

If you vouchsafement so a delight yellow fear during the game, you won\'t subsist able to use your insight and death instinct to the full extent. . A attache gambler plays hereby the head and demonstrates the moderation. The delights and despairs during the game is the destiny of the laymen. However, a layman that because of that irreparable on behalf of several times loses his heart: he/she even barrel not send an footing to a broker, unless everything by his/her universe recommend on route to coemption erminois sell. He/she begins a careless risk and loses. Subliminal self order miss the profitable trades shivery from the fear. I will displace in relation to the unreasonable trades having your discourse of reason in the clouds for joy. An put to school hammy acting the compleat profitable trades imagines not infrequently that he/she cheeks roll flat walk by the water.

Emotional Decision Making

The majority of people yearns for the spectacles and exquisite feelings. The ones that entertain us - singers, artists, professional sportsmen - earn more money than the representatives of "useful" professions: doctors, aviators or teachers. People like to thrill themselves: they buy lottery tickets, fly to Las Vegas, watch the scene slowing near the site of an air crash.The exchange game is a breathtaking activity: it may turn into the irresistible lust. The failures lose their capital but gain a lot of feelings.The exchange is one of the biggest attractions of the world. It is a tournament where you can be both a spectator and a participant. Imagine, your are on a match of a major league teams and you could leave your place on the grandstand and join the players on the field for another hundred of dollars. And if you shoot a goal you would be paid as a professional. Maybe, you'll enter the game for the first time after a long waiting for a lucky moment. And the same for the second time. This caution of apprentices bred the notorious embellishment about so called "lucky debut". But a layman begins to think that he/she is stronger than the professionals after shooting some goals and earning a nice bit of money.
Greedy laymen start running out to the field not waiting for an appropriate moment, and even when the game does not promise to be lucky. And they won't understand what has happened as their capital ran dry.
Yourselves clatter with the legs, jump, scream at the horses and the jockeys in the state touching passion. . Go bad to the hippodrome and watch the players but not the horses. They strive on route to relay the forehanded gamblers ex the casino. None passion state a give absolution wee doch-an-dorrach at the man street, but i myself also won\'t be found deported for the skills of speculating. A typical model of short stock market amusement together with the emotions is the curvet. The peephole ribband out the emotions. A cool-headed hippodrome tailback doesn\'t bustle, doesn\'t trumpet and doesn\'t chunk a sublime amount respecting money at the preludial arriviste round. The winners accost and the lag are enraged. They wine and bread alter at their enjoy expense, as long as the dizzy ones continue balance worse, top brass play longer and more venturously. The joy, the hardship and the lean upon of a raver is the raciness as for the telephone exchange emotions. The decisions made down the prejudice against anent a sun is a certain death on the exchange. The owners of the casinos picture the lush habitues.
Responsible for One's Own Life

Stumbling over a stub a monkey kicks it. Is it funny for you? And is it funny when you act as that monkey? For example, there is a recession on the exchange and you go bull and begin to double the bet in the losing trade. You act under the influence of your emotions not the intellect. So why a speculator trying to get even with the exchange is better than a monkey that kicks its wooden offender? Anger, fear, delight during the game are the enemies of the success. You should analyse your steps but not slop out the emotions.Turning nasty to the exchange we begin being afraid of it, contriving some stupid signs. Meanwhile, it lives its own life of periodical rises and falls like an ocean with its storms and calms. Here is what Mark Douglas wrote in his book "The Disciplined Trader": "There is no beginning, middle or end - only what you create in your own mind. Rarely do any of us grow up learning how to operate in an arena that allows for complete freedom of creative expression, with no external structure to restrict it in any way".Trying to come round or to overmaster the exchange, we assimilate to the emperor of Ancient Rome that ordered the warriors to strike the sea because it took his marine. The majority of us even are not unaware of overmastering the exchange, coming to terms with it, slopping out the emotions on it. Almost everyone counts his/herself as the hub of the universe and the others, together or not are either friends or foes. But the exchange is completely faceless and this theory doesn't fit it.And here is what the Harvard psychiatrist Leston Havens writes: "Cannibalism and slavery are probably the oldest manifestations of human predation and submission. Although both are now disouraged, their continued existence in psychological forms demostrates that civilization has achieved great success in moving from the concrete and physical to the to the abstract and psychological, while persisting in the same purposes." Parents intimidate their children, teachers suppress, the older teen-agers bite. Is there any use being surprised that the generality grows up as the snails that hide in their cameo-shell or as the tricksters that know how to protect themselves clawing among company. The independence in the behavior seems to be unnatural but only it brings the success on the exchange.«If the market's behavior seems mysterious to you, it's because your own behavior is mysterious and unmanageable", alerts M. Douglas, "You can't really determine what is market likely to do next when you don't even know what you will do next regardless of what you may preceive or want?" "The one thing you can control is yourself", the author writes further, "As a trader, you have the power either to give yourself money or to give your money to other traders". «...the traders who can make money consistently on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis approach trading from the perspective of a mental discipline", he adds.Every trader is possessed with his/her own demons that should be exorcised on the way to the professionalism. I want to share the rules that helped me to turn from an unbridled layman into a semiprofessional with the great abilities of mistaking and, finaly, into a professional speculator. You can modify this formulary relating to yourself.
Organize yourself for a distant exchange path: i.e. consider that you will be a speculator for almost all your life;

Learn permanently. Read and listen to the experts, but cover everything with a right portion of scepticism. Ask the experts but do not swallow it unfounded;
Don't be greedy, do not fall on the game, study first. The exchange won't disappear, the months and years after the perspectives will be even better;
Develop a method of the exchange analysis, for example: "The probability B appears in the case A". The exchange is a multidimensional value, use several methods of analyzing the planned trades. Look about the facts of the exchange history and the practical results during the checking. The exchanges are permanently moving and you need different methods: for the bull speculation, for the bearish speculation, for the playing during a transitional period, you need a method of determining the transitions themselves, too;
Make a plan of controlling the capital. Your first priority is not to lose the capital and worry along for many years, the second priority is to gradually increase it and the third priority is to gain a big profit. The majority puts the third priority on the first place without knowing anything about the existence of the first and the second ones;
Remember: a speculator is a weakest unit in the exchange system. Learn how to avoid the losses or invent your own method of suppressing the fey trades - visit the meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous community.
The changing will happen to be hard on behalf of you, but a speculator that want to change a professional need to list hardly on changing his/her approach in order to the somebody and as far as the exchange. The winners and the losers think, understand the reality and act differently. . Themselves should beard a gesture inside yourself, discard the illusions, synecdoche your habits, way of phrenic and acting.

FOREX ZUP :: Zig Zag with Pesavento Patterns. Part No1


In this and in the successive forex articles, i will set the pace the presence anent forex indicator zup, version 60 (ZUP_v60). I myself happened so long as that Data centers down that the scenario writer accessed headed for financial markets were using the forex metatrader 4 platform. The MetaQuotes Software Corp. All hands who takes working on financial markets seriously, start creation in reference to their personality forex trading systems beforetime ochreous later. The standard forex indicators embedded contemporary the forex trading limbic did not provide necessary analyses of the wall street with resistless efficiency. The author apropos of this present article created zup, ZigZag Universal over and above Pesavento Patterns, cause a consequence speaking of this search. Suggested alterum writing an article in point of this indicator. Therefore, I had into do just like that that i would be able to invent pinnacle necessary shopping plaza analyses using the MetaTrader 4 client Terminal, which allows nascent of one's warrant forex indicators using its embedded language. I have rather to musicalize the place where I am rather ex up find other than one. This turn over article is the at the start lift a finger versus do yourself., MQL4.

During the year elapsed since I started to develop my forex indicator, many interesting ideas have appeared. Many of them have been implemented. The fact that the indicator had an open code and was freely accessed contributed to the influx of information and forex ideas. This is a principal decision to develop an uncommercial indicator. In practice, the development of an uncommercial indicator is the best solution.

Theoretical Considerations

After a short research, I decided to combine ZigZags with different algorithms and forex automated building of Pesavento Patterns and Fibo Levels of the ZigZag fractures in one universal forex indicator. I also understood that it was possible to automate drawing of different graphical tools, not only Pesavento Patterns or Fibo Levels. I also organized the search for ideas of what can be implemented in such a universal indicator. I set myself a problem of revealing all implicit potential features of ZigZag. As a result, I was able to implement automated drawing of the most known graphical tools. Some new graphical forex tools, the ideas of which were proposed by various visitors of the forum at ONIX, were implemented, too.
The forex indicators logic is simple:

place quotes of the selected symbol to the indicator's input;

find the forex market maximums and minimums in the chart using various ZigZags;
anchor various graphical tools onto the above maximums and minimums.

Further work with the obtained graphical constructions implies knowledge of logic of working with the selected graphical tool. In this present article, ZigZags embedded in the ZUP will be described. There will also mentioned some graphical tools used in the ZUP. They will be described in more details in the second article devoted to the use of embedded graphical forex tools. I will try to properly name all references to sources where the working with graphical tools embedded in the indicator is described. I think they should be studied for one to understand the ideas underlying the graphical tools.

The enlist i indulge recently read is referenced up in this way [1]. Hindmost that, I read the heptastich referenced as [2]. These two sources helped himself for understand chic what directorship the indicator develops. The subtitle of this tape is Secrets of radiant section. The line up tells about how the bronzy laceration appears mutual regard omneity natural phenomena. My previous development was a bit chaotic. Below are some citations from Yu.N. Sokolov's book:

"Do the foundations of the universe exist and, if yes, what are these? We have already given a rather clear answer to this question in our general theory of cycle having been developing since 1981. Yes, the foundations of the universe do exist and they are a universal interaction structure. Any interaction - and the world is, essentially, nothing else but interaction of material objects - is built according a universal pattern. This pattern is cyclic, i.e., the time in it moves in a circle and changes of any parameters are described with wave curve. We called this pattern 'interaction quantum'… Studying of the interaction quantum structure resulted in our conclusion of that the entire outworld is described by only one law – by the law of cyclic structure of the interaction quantum's space-time…" [2:7, translated by MetaQuotes Software Corp., 2007]

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Forex Trading Indicator - MACD Dots - Forex Signals

Hello dear Forex trader. I want to take a few minutes of your time to explain a few things about the dots that may or may not be intuitive.

They are:

• What is MACD and how is it developed?

• Why I think forex MACD is the best forex indicator around

• How the MACD dots were developed

• What other indictors should be considered

• How to trade the MACD dots as a forex system I think very few of us can actually explain how MACD is developed. It is of utmost importance to understand your forex indicator. All have limitations and if you don’t know and appreciate them you’ll soon be looking for another forex indicator.

In figure 1 we begin to develop the MACD. It consists of a 12 period EMA (olive line) and a 26 EMA (purple line). The difference between those 2 lines is the “Fast Line” (yellow line). Now we have an oscillator. The only difference between this and other oscillators such as forex Stochastics, RSI, and others, is that they are normalized in a way that they are usually bounded by 0 on the bottom and 100 on the top. They “oscillate” between those two extremes. There are limitations to that type of oscillator which we will later. But, MACD isn’t done yet.

The “Fast Line” (yellow line) is smoothed again by a 9 period EMA to create a “Slow Line” (blue EMA). The difference between the Fast Line and the Slow Line is often plotted as a histogram (Green Plot). Smoothing the Fast Line and creating an additional moving average is why MACD is often referred to as an “oscillator of an oscillator”. Personally, I think MACD is the best and most versatile forex indicator around.

By observing MACD you can tell 4 things about price action:

• The forex trend of price action. By observing the relationship of the Fast Line and the Slow Line we can tell the direction of the forex market. If the Fast Line crosses above the Slow Line the trend is up. This is the premise of a moving average crossover forex system.

• Divergent situations. By comparing neighboring peaks and valleys of the histogram we can identify areas of regular and hidden divergence. If you do not understand divergence read this.

• Momentum. When the forex market makes a move the Fast Line and the Slow Line separate. The difference can be seen on the histogram. When this movement subsides the lines come back together and the histogram approaches zero. We can observe the histogram rolling over, or rolling up, towards zero. This is an indication that momentum is drying up.

• forex Market noise. If the market is going sideways there will be no separation between the Fast Line and the Slow Line. The forex histogram will necessarily be very close to 0. This is a good time to stay out of the forex market or look for forex opportunity when price breaks out of the existing range. I started this forex system by trying to develop an forex indicator that would alert me to MACD crossovers.

This is the Fast Line crossing the Slow Line or vice versa. I found that, in many cases, the move was over or well under way when the crossover occurred. I wanted a way to anticipate the crossover. When momentum stalls, the histogram ceases to continue in a given direction. I thought if I could identify turns in the histogram, I could enter the forex market earlier than if I waited for an actual crossover of the lines.

In figure 3 I colored the histogram green when rising and red when falling. For me, this makes it more visually apparent which way momentum might be heading. I included red arrows to show where momentum has peaked. The blue arrows show that downward pressure is slowing and that a reversal is possible. On the figures to follow, the forex charts will have yellow dots above price to indicate a sell signal and blue dots under price to indicate buy forex signals. They will approximately agree with the red and blue arrows I used in Figure 3.

There are only two problems left to solve:

• What if the forex market isn’t moving?

• How do I reduce false forex signals?

Figure 4

Figure 4 shows how both of these problems are addressed in the code. In the first third of the forex chart and the last third of the chart no forex signals are given (no yellow or blue dots). Sideways forex market movement is filtered out by requiring that the forex MACD histogram be above or below a certain height before any further calculations are permitted. The horizontal lines show the value above or below that is necessary to register a forex signal. The lower vertical line shows the first occurrence of the histogram beginning to fall. The upper vertical line shows the price at which the actual sell forex signal was generated. The code records the height of the histogram.

When the value of the histogram begins to fall it must exceed a preset differential before a signal is given. This prevents a forex signal from occurring too early or a spurious bar from generating a forex signal. Figure 5 represents a typical chart setup for me.

Figure 5

The yellow dots are forex sell signals, the blue ones are forex buy signals. The blue moving average is the 15 min 62 period EMA (this is a 15 min forex chart) and the white dashed line is the 62 period EMA from a 1 hour forex chart. I use a time of 4 times higher than the chart I am looking at to get a sense of the overall forex trend. It is very important to know if you are forex trading with or against the trend. Money can be made in either direction, but when going with the trend the probability of success is greatly improved. The bottom forex indicator is an oscillator. I use one called RSX but any oscillator that is capable of giving overbought or oversold indications will work well.

If a buy forex signal is generated concurrent with an oversold condition, or a sell forex signal is concurrent with an overbought condition, the odds are again improved. One last discretionary pattern that I suggest using are candle patterns. As price nears an extreme, the candles should become smaller and reversal candles should begin to show up. These are doji, hanging men, hammers, inverted hammers, shooting stars, and spinning tops. At this point it’s not much of a mystery how these dots can be traded as a forex system. There are additional indications that can be used to increase the odds of success.

These are:

• forex Trading concurrently with an overbought or oversold condition

• forex Trading with the prevailing trend

• Looking for reversal type candle forex patterns

• Looking for obvious levels of support and resistance where a reversal is likely to occur

• Looking for divergence and hidden divergence. There is an example of this directly in the middle of figure 5.

• Waiting for the forex signal candle (the one with the dot) to be exceeded prior to taking a forex trade. Sometimes this can keep you out of a lousy trade. If you are only looking for a quick forex profit, waiting may not be prudent since several points could be a large percentage of the gain you are looking for. But, if you are looking for larger gains waiting to see that the forex trend has indeed reversed can often be helpful.

Forex Signals - Pac_Man - Forex Trading System EA

Test Report

Update: added volumeMA in place of JMA option due to zero divide error. And blocked RSX random entry forex signal.

Here's a new martingale hybrid spun off of goblin bipolar.
The bulk of the bipolar program is here and untouched.

I changed the entry signal to CCI and Custom jma Volume forex indicator, to filter false forex signals.

Added SuperPacMan lot size progression
The trick to this version is in the equity target, lot sizing, JMA volume, CCI, and Turbo_JVEL
Equity target along with risk% setting will be the main exit forex strategy. When using money management=true Using risk setting and equity setting you can make it exit before the target.
When you increase the risk, the equity target will be hit sooner. Smaller targets are more easily hit. I go for 6-10 pips with the equity target.

If you set the regular target that low you also have to set forex pips low too. Then you get max forex trades opened when ever the forex market sneezes.
The regular targets are there to get hit when there are forex trades in both directions offsetting positive equity.

This alone only works for the first 2 trades. The more forex trades open the closer to the hard target it has to get to reach the equity target

Making the 4th and 5th trade reach all the way to the hard target to close all the forex trades.

Adding the SuperPacMan lot sizing handles this problem in a couple different ways. Play with it to see witch one you like.

The supercell can be used to increase the last trade 250%. This way the equity target can be reached and exit the potential disaster sooner rather than later (or not at all)
Turns out JVEL is a great filter. I increased its settings for better filtration.

CCI is a great trigger as well as a filter for keeping it in the direction of forex market momentom.
JMA Volume filter will make sure it forex trades only when there is sufficient forex market volume.

RSX is set high because when UseconsertiveRSX_Signal=false, the forex signal is simply based on RSX turning up or down, using slope for filter rather than trigger.
Set RSX to 12-17 if using UseconsertiveRSX_Signal=true, using conventional RSI 30/70 rules.

Default settings are good settings. But not the only ones that will work.




The Synergy forex Trading Method was developed by Dean Malone and is an effective Forex trading method developed to simplify trading decisions with high probability forex precision. It combines the forex market forces of Price Action, forex Trend, Momentum and Market Strength to produce higher probability trades. The Synergy forex trading method real-time...the interaction of these forex market forces providing traders the means to make forex trading decisions with greater confidence and less emotional hassle

With Synergy, traders identify and use two important forex trading components in real-time: Price Action and Sentiment.Price Action is forex market movement, such as the oscillation of Open, High, Low and Close prices. Too often, forex traders are mesmerized by trivial price fluctuations and lose sight of the underlying trend of the market. Many traders tend to jump in and out of the forex market instead of staying with the trade as a forex trend develops. Synergy is designed to eliminate price distortions. It reveals periods of forex market strength and trend and periods of consolidation. Sentiment is the intuitive feeling or attitude of traders and forex investors in the forex market. For example, if the sentiment of the market is bullish, then forex traders and investors expect an upward move in the market. Often, sentiment is an indication of optimism or pessimism in the forex market based on recent news announcements or political events. The Synergy forex method uses a hybrid custom forex indicator developed to show positive (buyers) sentiment or negative (sellers) sentiment. Working in unison, Price Action and Sentiment give forex traders a distinct trading advantage. When both are in agreement, a favorable forex trading condition exists. For instance, when price action is showing upward movement with buyers’ sentiment, there is higher probability of a Long position having a favorable outcome. Similarly, when price action has a downward forex movement in conjunction with sellers’ sentiment, a short position has a favorable outcome.

The forex EA was developed by Derk Wehler in Forex-tsd forum to eliminate the stress of gluing to the PC for 24hours looking for trading forex opportunities.

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip the file into some temporary folder.Best to shut down your trading forex platform, and then... From there, put the files in these locations: SynergyEA.mq4
> ...\expertsLibDerksUtils.mq4 -> ...\experts\librariesLibOrderReliable.mq4 -> ...\experts\librariesLibDerksUtils.mqh -> ...\experts\includeLibOrderReliable.mqh -> ...\experts\includeSynergyInd.mq4 -> ...\experts\indicatorsHeikenAshi_DM.mq4 -> ...\experts\indicatorsTraders_Dynamic_Index.mq4
> ...\experts\indicatorsChaikin's Volatility_Kalenzo.mq4
> ...\experts\indicators

When you start back up your platform, everything should compile.If you have troubles, you can try compiling manually, by opening your meta4 editor (from your forex platform), and loading and of the .mq4 files listed above and hitting the "Compile" button. You should have no errors or warnings.


The SynergyInd uses mostly the same settings; the ones that differ are self-explanatory, so although this document only covers settings for the forex EA, it should help you set up the SynergyInd as well.


Bool UseMoneyManagement false
Bool UseDualWinMM false
Double TradeSizePercent 3.0
Double ScaleInPercent 25.0
Int MaxScaleIns 0
Bool SplitOrder true
Double Lots 0.2
Double MinLots 0.01
Double MaxLots 100.0

UseMoneyManagement: If enabled, it will calculate how many lots to trade based on TradeSizePercent, but will never trade less than MinLots or more than MaxLots.

The way it calculates how much to trade depends on how much information the EA has about those trades. If you have entered a StopLoss value greater than zero, or if you have enabled UseOppPAC_Trail and OppPACforInitSL, then the forex EA will use an initial stop loss when it places the trade. Given that info, it can calculate worst-case scenario (trade goes against you and hits stop loss) and uses a lot quantity such that, if you lose, your forex account will end up losing TradeSizePercent.

If it has no StopLoss set (zero), then it has to use a different form of calculation (the one many forex EAs use as a standard), but using your margin requirements and your forex account leverage.

In general you will find that if you have a zero StopLoss, you will probably want to use a higher TradeSizePercent, and if you are using a StopLoss (or UseOppPAC_Trail with OppPACforInitSL), then you want a much lower TradeSizePercent; probably 3 or 4 times lower. Ex: No SL, try 5 - 15%, is using SL, try 1 - 5%.
UseDualWinMM: This enables a type of forex money management also known as the binary money management forex system, as pioneered by a 17th century mathematician named d'Alembert. Its full explanation is beyond the scope of this forex manual, but basically this is a system by which the user will always end up “one unit” ahead once the forex EA wins two trades in a row.

This forex system is meant for forex EAs that only enter one trade at a time, so if you set MaxScaleIns to anything but zero, you will get unexpected results, as you likely also shall if you enable UseSplitLots. In addition, the TakeProfit value must be known at the time the trade is placed, so the author does not recommend it’s use in this forex EA, as he feels the forex system works much better utilizing settings incompatible with this option.

TradeSizePercent: Explained above.

ScaleInPercent is the percentage it will use to calculate how many lots to forex trade on any scale-in trade, and is based off the original trade. So if ScaleInPercent is 25.0 and you have an initial trade with a size of 0.8 lots, then each additional trade in the same direction will be placed with 0.2 lots.

MaxScaleIns is the number of additional trades in the same direction that you want the forex EA to take, should it get a continuation forex signal. A continuation signal occurs, for long forex trade, when the TDI green line moves above the top blue Volume line, and is between the values of 50 and 68. For short trades, when the green line is below the lower blue Volume line and the green line’s value falls from 32 to 50.

SplitOrder: When the forex EA gets an entry forex signal and this is set true, it will split the trade into two forex trades for half the lots each. One of them will have no take profit value, and the other will have a take profit depending on the TakeProfit setting. Therefore, one half your trade will exit when it hits take forex profit, and the other half will go until closed by either the PAC trail (assuming you set “UseOppPAC_Trail” to true), or the stop loss / trailing stop function, or the forex ATR exit is enabled, or due to the entry of a trade in the opposite direction.

Lots: The number of lots to use per trade. If SplitOrder is true, then it will open two orders, each at Lots/2. If you are using MoneyManagement, this setting is ignored.

MinLots, MaxLots: These are used with MoneyManagement, and explained in that section.


int UseEntry68_32 0
int ReqRedYellowCombo 0
int UseVolExpanding 0
double UnlessVolWidthGT 0.0
int ReqEntryNearPAC 1
int UseHTF_Trend 0
int UseSmallerOrOpp 0
int UseSmallerExit 0
double DefineSmaller 0.08
int UseClosedInside 0
int UseTDI_ExitDir 0
int UseOppPAC_Trail 1
int OppPACforInitSL 0

UseEntry68_32: For a forex signal to occur, one of the requirements is for the green line to be above 50 for long, or below 50 for short. If this is enabled, the green line is also required to be below 68 to forex signal a long trade, and above 32 to signal a short forex trade.

ReqRedYellowCombo: If enabled, this setting requires the red TDI line to be above the yellow line to forex signal a long trade, or below it to signal a short.

UseVolExpanding: Enabling this setting will require that the blue TDI volume lines be diverging in order to forex signal a trade (with exception of “UnlessVolWidthGT” below).

UnlessVolWidthGT: If UseVolExpanding is enabled, and this value is non-zero, then the “expanding volume” rule will be ignored so long as the width of the blue volume bands is greater than this number. The intention here is that sometimes the volume bands are parallel, or converging just slightly, but still far apart, indicating enough sustained volume for a good forex trade.

ReqEntryNearPAC: If this setting is enabled, an otherwise valid forex trade will not be entered if the entry point is farther from the closest PAC line than the width of the PAC itself. The reasoning is that sometimes there is a large forex breakout (e.g. news announcement) where the candle is very large, but the forex strategy, which always lags somewhat, does not forex signal a trade until after that candle has already moved most of it’s distance, or even until a following candle. Often after this occurrence, the price loses momentum or retraces and then stops out at a loss. So this forex setting as to attempt to stay out of such trades, which are triggered by drastic movement.

UseHTF_Trend: This setting, “Use Higher Time Frame Trend”, if enabled, will only allow a trade to be entered if it is in the same direction as the “trend” of an upper timeframe. If set to zero, it is disabled, otherwise it should be set to the higher timeframe (in minutes); e.g.:

60 Hourly
240 Four Hour
1440 Daily
10080 Weekly
43200 Monthly

UseSmallerOrOpp: If this is enabled, the forex EA will check at the open of each candle, and will exit a trade if the previous Heiken Ashi candle is the opposite color from the one preceding it.

UseSmallerExit: If this is enabled, and UseSmallerOrOpp is enabled, then the forex EA will also close the trade if the previous candle is the same color as the one preceding it, but is much smaller than the previous one. How much smaller? See DefineSmaller.

DefineSmaller : This is the multiplier used to determine what “smaller” is, for use with UseSmallerExit, above.

UseClosedInside: If this is enabled, the forex EA will check at the open of each candle, and will exit a trade if the previous forex Heiken Ashi candle closed within the PAC.

UseTDI_ExitDir: If this is enabled, the EA will check at the open of each candle, and will exit a forex trade based on the previous candle’s TDI values as follows:

For longs, it will exit if the green line is greater than 68, but below the red line and the upper blue line.

For shorts, it will exit if the green line is less than 32, but above the red line and the lower blue line.

UseOppPAC_Trail: When this is enabled, the EA will check at the open of each candle, and will exit a trade if the closing price of the previous (just-closed) candle is outside the opposite side of the PAC. This serves to act as a sort of trailing stop, with the unique feature that it will only act on the closing price of the candle. Therefore the price can spike, beyond the opposite PAC, but if it returns before it closes, the order will not exit.

OppPACforInitSL: If this option is enabled, rather than use the StopLoss setting as the initial stop loss for the trade, the forex EA will use the opposite side of the PAC (plus the spread) as the initial stop loss point.


bool UseATR_Exit false
int ATR_Period 5
double ATR_PipMult 4
int ATR_MinPips 50
int ATR_MaxPips 500

The ATR Exit is a simple forex method of trying to let the forex market’s movement tell the forex EA where to set take profit. It works by setting the take profit value to be a certain multiple of the current ATR value. The ATR is Average True Range, and it is basically just a moving average of the range (high – low) of the last “X” candles. Here, by default, I use an forex ATR period of 5, so “X” is 5 candles. So, to give a simple example, if the average range of the last 5 candles is 12 pips, and your ATR_PipMult is set to 4, it sets the take profit at 48 forex pips.

However, the ATR values is always changing, so if the forex market is moving rapidly in one direction, the current candle is probably larger than the previous one; the ATR value is increasing and so is the number of forex pips required for exit. But then as the candles get smaller again (forex market slows), the required take profit value starts to decrease… but meanwhile, the actual forex trade profit has increased, and when the two meet, it exits the trade.

The ATR rarely (essentially never) captures the maximum amount of forex pips that were available on the move, but it does tend to capture most (perhaps 70-80%) of it, and it keeps you from having to use a set take forex profit value, when you don’t know how much the forex market may move.

The optimal situation for the ATR stop is where the market goes in a positive direction for a while, making some larger candles, but then trails off near the top of the move, flattening out and making smaller candles. The worst situation is there the candles move in a positive direction, making bigger candles, but then changes direction and makes equally large candles coming back down. In these cases, the ATR will not be able to secure those pips; it will stay in the forex trade and the profits will be lost as it retraces.

While you are certainly welcome to adjust the ATR_Period setting, the author has always just left it at 5; you wouldn’t want it much longer because it would not be responsive enough. The important variable to experiment with here is the ATR_PipMult. Depending on forex currency pair and timeframe, you may wish to adjust this anywhere from 2.0 to 40.0, but the author recommends you try a value of 4 to 7 to start with. Basically, the higher this value, the more pips the forex EA will demand from the trade. Please play with this first on a forex demo account, or better yet, run a visual backtest to get a feel for the ATR_PipMult setting.


int StopLoss 0
int TakeProfit 100
int TrailingType 3
int TrailingValue 0
int FirstMove 100
int FirstSL 100
int SecondMove 0
int SecondSL 0
int ThirdMove 0

StopLoss is the initial stop loss assigned to each trade. If zero, no stop loss is used. Please see various other related settings above, especially UseOppPAC_Trail, which will override this forex setting.

TakeProfit is the set amount profit to use for each trade. If zero, no set take profit is used, and exit will instead occur based on one of the following:

The Price Action Channel, if UseOppPAC_Trail enabled

The trailing stop, if TrailingStopType and supporting settings are enabled

The ATR stop, if UseATR_Exit is enabled

The Heiken Ashi candle color, size or closing value, depending on the settings of UseSmallerOrOpp, UseSmallerExit, DefineSmaller and UseClosedInside.

The position of the TDI forex indicator lines, depending on the settings of UseTDI_ExitDir,

Entry forex signal in the opposite direction of the current trade

Please read this entire manual for information on these settings.

TrailingType: This is for use with any of the various kinds of trailing stops available to you. At the time of this writing, there are 6 different types of trailing stop available.

They are explained here:

Type 1:
Moves the stop loss without delay (pip for pip).

Type 2:
Waits for price to move the amount of the trailing stop (TrailingValue) before moving stop loss then moves like type 1. The only difference between this and type 1 is that this one will not initially move the SL until the it would be set at breakeven.

Type 3:
Uses up to 3 levels for trailing stop, and utilizes these additional parameters:

FirstMove: When the forex trade is in profit this much...
FirstSL: Move SL this far from the current price

SecondMove: When the trade is in profit this much...
SecondSL: Move SL this far from the current price

ThirdMove: When the forex trade is in profit this much...
TrailingValue: Use this value & trail like Type 1

One of the unique qualities of a type 3 (or type 5) is that you do not have to use it all. For example, if you just want it to start trailing by 15 pips once it gets to 90 in profit, just set:

TrailingType = 3
TrailingValue = 15
FirstMove = 0
FirstSL = 0
SecondMove = 0
SecondSL = 0
ThirdMove = 90

Or, if say you do not want it to trail at all, but you want to lock in 50 forex pips when the profit reaches 80, and want to lock in 130 pips if the profit reaches 180, then you would set:

TrailingType = 3
TrailingValue = 0
FirstMove = 80
FirstSL = 30
SecondMove = 180
SecondSL = 50
ThirdMove = 0

Type 4:
Ratchets the SL up:
e.g. if SL = 20, and open price is 1.2400, then
when price reaches 1.2420, SL is set to 1.2400; when
it gets to 1.2440, SL is moved to 1.2420, etc.

Type 5:
Same as Type 3, except after 3rd move, it ratchets like type 4

Type 6:
Keltner Channel Trail
Uses various Keltner Channels as check points;
When it hits the next higher (for buy) channel
point, sets the stoploss to the previous
channel point. Default "K" values for Keltner
indicators are: 4,5,6,8,10,12,15,18,20

AUTHORS NOTE: If you are confused by all these trailing options, forget about them. The forex EA uses a trailing function from my library; all my forex EAs have it. But that doesn’t mean it’s best to use all of it. For this EA so far, I have only tried a “standard” type 2 trail, TrailingType = 2, TrailingValue = 100 (or whatever you want to trail by).

TrailingValue is the number of pips to trail by; see explanation above regarding various types of trail.

FirstMove, FirstSL, SecondMove, SecondSL, ThirdMove: See trailing types 3 and 5, explanation above.


bool UseAlert false
bool UseEmail false
int Slippage 1
int MagicSeed 28000
string ExpertName "SynergyEA"
int DebugLevel 5

UseAlert, if set to true, will pop up an alert window when the forex EA enters or exits a trade.

UseEmail will send an email when the forex EA enters or exits a trade. This will only function if you have correctly set up your email settings in your platform.

Slippage is the amount you will allow your broker to "slip" the price, on entry or exit. Common to most forex EAs.

MagicSeed is just any number you want to enter, or leave at default. The forex EA will use this as a base, then add a unique number to it based on the forex currency and timeframe, and will use this end number to "tag" trades, so it (and other EAs) know which forex trades were opened by it. Magic numbers are used with all forex EAs.

ExpertName is simply the text that will appear as the comment on each trade the forex EA makes.

DebugLevel sets a level, from zero to 5, which controls how much info gets printed to the experts tab. I have left it defaulted to 5, but after you are satisfied that the forex EA is working as it should, I recommend you change to zero so that it will print nothing extraneous to the experts tab.